Suppose for some reason one would be expecting a formula of the kind (did I get it right?)
$$\mathop{\text{ch}}(f_!\mathcal F)\ =\ f_*(\mathop{\text{ch}}(\mathcal F)\cdot t_f)$$
valid in $H^*(Y)$ where
- $f:X\to Y$ is a proper morphism with $X$ and $Y$ quasiprojective,
- $\mathcal F\in D^b(X)$ is a bounded complex of coherent sheaves on $X$,
- $f_!: D^b(X)\to D^b(Y)$ is the derived pushforward,
- $\text{ch}:D^b(-)\to H^*(-)$ denotes the Chern character,
- and $t_f$ is some cohomology class that depends only on $f$ but not $\mathcal F$.
According to the Grothendieck–Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem this formula is true with $t_f$ being the relative Todd class of $f$, defined as the Todd class of relative tangent bundle $T_f$.
Now, I want to somewhow "derive" the above formula, but I suspect $t_f$ is not uniquely defined; perhaps you can change it by a homology class $t'$ with the property $\forall u\ f_*(\mathop{\text{ch}}(u)\cdot t') = 0$.
Question. What extra conditions we must put on $t_f$ to make sure the only possibility is $t_f = \text{td}\, T_f$?
I think one could add some kind of functoriality for $t_f$. You don't have to show this choice works, but you have to show no other choice works. Also, let's not use Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch: I'm curious exactly how and where Todd classes will appear.