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Mathematical computer desk

D. Gibb, from the Mathematical Laboratory, University of Edinburgh, describes a Computer Desk in his book A course in interpolation and numerical integration for the mathematical laboratory, G. Bell & Sons, Ltd., 1915, available here:

Where computation is performed to any considerable extent, computer's desk will be found useful. Those used in the mathematical laboratory of the University of Edinburgh are 3' 0" wide, 1'9" from front to back, and 2'6 1/2" high. They contain a locker, in wich computing paper can be kept without being folded, and a cupboard for books, papers, drawing-board, arithmometer, or instruments. Each desk is supplied with a copy of Barlow's tables (which gives the square, square root, cube, cube root and the reciprocal of all numbers up to 10,000), a copy of Creller's multiplication table (which gives at sight the product of any two numbers each less than 1000), and tables giving the values of the trigonometric functions and logarithms

Question: Are there any available picture of this "computer desk" ?

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