If I have a braided tensor category that's unitary and modular, then how does the unitarity and modularity constrain the fusion multiplicities?

I know that if $a,b,c \in ob({C})$ satisfy the fusion rule $a \otimes b = \oplus_c N^c_{ab} c $ then $N^c_{ab} \in \mathbb{Z}_+$ for all possible non-trivial fusion channels. Does being unitarity and modular guarantee that $N^c_{ab} = 0,1$ for all fusion channels?

I require it specifically for the category Rep(D(G)), which I know to be unitary modular. If it's in general not true, but is for this specific category, I'd still be happy!

Edit: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.05560.pdf computes the fusion rules of Rep(D(G)) to have $N^c_{ab} =0,1$ for all dihedral and dicyclic groups, which lends some credence to this hypothesis