A variant of Abhinav Kumar's solution again uses his reduction to looking at
Note that this is the product of the complex conjugate factors
3g^2h^2 - g^2 + 4gh - h^2 - 1 - 2\sqrt{-3}gh(g-h)
3g^2h^2 - g^2 + 4gh - h^2 - 1 + 2\sqrt{-3}gh(g-h)
So this shows non-negativity of (1). Furthermore, if (1) is zero, then both factors (2) and (3) vanish. Suppose that (2) has a rational solution. Then $gh(g-h)=0$ by irrationality of $\sqrt{-3}$. But the cases $g=0$, $h=0$, and $g=h$ yield $h^2+1=0$, $g^2+1=0$, and $(g^2+1)(2g^2-1)=0$, respectively. None of these has a rational solution.