David Roberts mentioned in his comments the relationship <b>K-theory : spin group<br> TMF : string groups</b> Let me recommend the first 6 pages of my [unifinished article][1] for a uniform construction of $SO(n)$, $Spin(n)$, and $String(n)$, which suggests the existence of a similar uniform construction of $H\mathbb R$, $KO$ (or $KU$), and $TMF$. You'll see that von Neumann algebras appears in the construction. More precisely, von Neumann algebras appear in the definition of <i>conformal nets</i>. The latter are functors from 1-manifolds to von Neumann algberas. > For a summary of the (conjectural) relationship between conformal nets and $TMF$, have a look at page 8 of this [other paper][2] of mine. Loop groups yield non-trivial examples of conformal nets. Those conformal nets are related (conjecturally) to equivariant $TMF$. [1]: http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~henri105/PDF/TringWP.pdf [2]: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1103.4187v1.pdf