For the philosophy of mathematics, I wrote my book specifically with mathematical readers in mind. Many readers have told me that they appreciate the accessible manner the book has of treating even substantive ideas. The book is advanced undergraduate or early graduate level, so perfect for Masters students.

 - <cite authors="Hamkins, Joel David">_Hamkins, Joel David_, [**Lectures on the philosophy of mathematics**](, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (ISBN 978-0-262-54223-4/pbk; 978-0-262-36265-8/ebook). xviii, 329&nbsp;p. (2020). [ZBL1511.00002](</cite>

An introduction to the philosophy of mathematics grounded in mathematics and motivated by mathematical inquiry and practice.

> **In this book, Joel David Hamkins offers an introduction to the philosophy of mathematics that is grounded in mathematics and motivated by mathematical inquiry and practice.** He treats philosophical issues as they arise organically in mathematics, discussing such topics as platonism, realism, logicism, structuralism, formalism, infinity, and intuitionism in mathematical contexts. He organizes the book by mathematical themes—numbers, rigor, geometry, proof, computability, incompleteness, and set theory—that give rise again and again to philosophical considerations.