Looking at [this][1] and [this][2] question about the Lagrangian Grassmannian, and its linked [Wikipedia][3] description as the quotient of $Sp(N)$ by the unitary group $U(N)$, I wondering what is the explicit embedding $U(N) \hookrightarrow Sp(2N)$. 

As far I understand, we have (also by Wikipedia) that $Sp(2n)$ is the group of quaternionic unitary matrices of order $N$, and so, a  subset of  $M(2N,\mathbb{C})$. By analogy with the case of the usual Grassmannian, I would embed $U(N)$ in the bottom right hand corner, and put $1$'s on the remaining diagonal entries. However, it is not clear to me that this is actually contained in $Sp(N)$. Moreover, will it make a difference if I instead embed it in the top left hand corner. Because of less Dynkin diagram symmetries in the $C$-series case, I feel this should not be isomorphic. 

  [1]: http://mathoverflow.net/questions/262321/lagrangian-grassmannian-as-a-spin-manifold
  [2]: http://mathoverflow.net/questions/247585/canonical-bundle-of-the-lagrangian-grassmannian?noredirect=1&lq=1
  [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrangian_Grassmannian