Consider a Coxeter group $W$ with simple generators $S$ and Coxeter matrix $\left( m_{s,t}\right) _{\left( s,t\right) \in S\times S}$. Let $\mathfrak{M}$ be the set of all pairs $\left(s, t\right) \in S^2$ satisfying $s \neq t$ and $m_{s,t} < \infty$. For every $\left( s,t\right) \in \mathfrak{M}$, let $c_{s,t}$ be an element of $\left\{ 1,-1\right\} $. Assume that: * We have $c_{s,t}=c_{s^{\prime},t^{\prime}}$ for any two elements $\left( s,t\right) $ and $\left( s^{\prime},t^{\prime}\right) $ of $\mathfrak{M}$ for which there exists some $q \in W$ satisfying $s^\prime = qsq^{-1}$ and $t^\prime = qtq^{-1}$. * We have $c_{s,t}=c_{t,s}$ for each $\left( s,t\right) \in \mathfrak{M}$. Let $W^{\prime}$ be the group with the following generators and relations: *Generators:* the elements $s\in S$ and an extra generator $q$. *Relations:* \begin{align*} s^{2} & =1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for every }s\in S;\\ q^{2} & =1;\\ qs & =sq\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for every }s\in S;\\ \left( st\right) ^{m_{s,t}} & =1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for every }\left( s,t\right) \in \mathfrak{M} \text{ satisfying } c_{s,t}=1;\\ \left( st\right) ^{m_{s,t}} & =q\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for every }\left( s,t\right) \in \mathfrak{M} \text{ satisfying } c_{s,t}=-1. \end{align*} There is clearly a surjective group homomorphism $\pi:W^{\prime}\rightarrow W$ sending each $s\in S$ to $s$, and sending $q$ to $1$. There is also a group homomorphism $\iota:\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \rightarrow W^{\prime}$ which sends the generator of $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ to $q$. > **Question.** Is $\iota$ injective? Equivalently, is the sequence \begin{equation} 1\longrightarrow\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\overset{\iota}{\longrightarrow}W^{\prime }\overset{\pi}{\longrightarrow}W \longrightarrow1 \end{equation} exact? Equivalently, is $\left\vert \operatorname*{Ker}\pi\right\vert =2$ ? **Background.** This would generalize at least one of the two "spin symmetric groups" to the situation of any Coxeter group. It would explain one of the results (Theorem 2.3 **(b)**) in [Alexander Postnikov and Darij Grinberg, *Proof of a conjecture of Bergeron, Ceballos and Labbé*](, and prove a generalization of this result (Conjecture 6.1 **(b)**). I have tried generalizing the [standard approach to constructing the spin symmetric groups by embedding them in the Hecke-Clifford algebra](, but to no avail so far. Nor has the existing literature on central extensions of Coxeter groups been particularly helpful ([Howlett's *On the Schur multipliers of Coxeter groups*]( counts the extensions abstractly, but doesn't help understanding whether a given one exists; [Burichenko's *On extensions of Coxeter groups*]( gives a criterion that I don't seem to properly understand, as it gives me wrong answers).