You could try one or all of these (same authors): - <cite authors="Edidin, Dan; Graham, William">_Edidin, Dan; Graham, William_, [**Algebraic cycles and completions of equivariant $K$-theory**](, Duke Math. J. 144, No. 3, 489-524 (2008). [Zbl 1148.14007](</cite> - <cite authors="Edidin, Dan; Graham, William">_Edidin, Dan; Graham, William_, [**Riemann-Roch for equivariant Chow groups**](, Duke Math. J. 102, No. 3, 567-594 (2000). [Zbl 0997.14002](</cite> - <cite authors="Edidin, Dan; Graham, William">_Edidin, Dan; Graham, William_, [**Equivariant intersection theory**](, Invent. Math. 131, No. 3, 595-644 (1998). [Zbl 0940.14003](</cite>