I have the indefinite quadratic form $q(x,y,z) = 19 x^2 + 5 y^2 - z^2.$ It's not my fault. I find, on reflection, that I have no idea how to describe the orthogonal group of this over the integers. The thing is isotropic in $\mathbb Z,$ for example $19 + 45 = 64. $ Even if that were not the case, the orthogonal group would contain those for the binary forms $19 x^2 - z^2$ and $5 y^2 - z^2.$ Note that there is an answer for the original Pythagorean problem, http://mathoverflow.net/questions/76352/orthogonal-group-of-quadratic-form  and  to some extent http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_Pythagorean_triples  Oh, note that i found all null vectors of the form, http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/483496/pythagorean-triples-with-additional-parameters/483510#483510 which took two recipes because of an annoying odd even thing. 

Anyway, given the diagonal matrix $F$ with diagonal entries $19,5,-1,$ here are a number of integral matrices $P$ that solve $P^t F P = F,$ and so are called automorphs or members of the (automorphism, orthogonal, isometry, rotation) group. As we are in odd dimension, we do not much care about the determinant and allow $\pm 1.$ 

Note also that a recent Bulletin included two articles on the integral orthogonal group for an indefinite quaternary form, one by Kontorovich and one by Fuchs, anyway see http://www.ams.org/journals/bull/2013-50-02/  

Um, let's see, oddity, you can take all entries of $P$ positive if you wish, so I'm just printing those. Since we can negate any row or any column at our leisure, it hurts nothing.


      -1           0           0
       0           1           0
       0           0           1

       1           0           0
       0          -1           0
       0           0           1

       1           0           0
       0           1           0
       0           0          -1

       1           0           0
       0           1           0
       0           0           1

       1           0           0
       0           9           4
       0          20           9

       1           0           0
       0         161          72
       0         360         161

      39          10          10
      38          11          10
     190          50          49

      39         110          50
      38         101          46
     190         530         241

      39         290         130
      38         299         134
     190        1430         641

      39        1990         890
      38        1829         818
     190        9590        4289

      39          40          20
     152         151          76
     380         380         191

      39          40          20
     152         161          80
     380         400         199

      39          10          10
     418         101         106
     950         230         241

      39         110          50
     418        1211         550
     950        2750        1249

      39          10          10
    1102         299         286
    2470         670         641

     170           0          39
       0           1           0
     741           0         170

     170         780         351
       0           9           4
     741        3400        1530

     210         140          79
      76          49          28
     931         620         350

     210         320         151
      76         119          56
     931        1420         670

     210          20          49
     532          49         124
    1501         140         350

     210          20          49
    1216         119         284
    2869         280         670

     360         250         139
     494         341         190
    1919        1330         740

     360         530         251
     494         731         346
    1919        2830        1340

     360         130         101
     950         341         266
    2641         950         740

     550         480         249
     228         201         104
    2451        2140        1110

     550         660         321
     228         271         132
    2451        2940        1430

     550          60         129
    1824         201         428
    4731         520        1110

     609         380         220
      76          49          28
    2660        1660         961

     609         980         460
      76         119          56
    2660        4280        2009

     609         320         200
    1216         641         400
    3800        2000        1249

     609          20         140
    1444          49         332
    4180         140         961

     759         730         370
     646         619         314
    3610        3470        1759

     759         830         410
     646         709         350
    3610        3950        1951

     759         220         200
     836         241         220
    3800        1100        1001

     780         250         211
      38          11          10
    3401        1090         920

     780        1970         899
      38         101          46
    3401        8590        3920

     780          10         179
     950          11         218
    4009          50         920

     780         670         349
    1102         949         494
    4199        3610        1880

     780         950         461
    1102        1339         650
    4199        5110        2480

    1500         310         371
     494         101         122
    6631        1370        1640

    1500         130         349
    1178         101         274
    7049         610        1640