EDIT: Hendrik Lenstra emailed me a proof of Conjecture 2. I'll append it below. So Jagy's question is now solved. ______________________________________________________________________________________ OK so I think that Jagy wants to make the following conjecture: CONJECTURE 1: an integer $C$ is not representable by the form F(x,y,z)=2x^2+xy+3y^2+z^3-z if, and only if, $C$ is odd and $27C^2-4=23D^2$ with $D$ an integer. I have a proof strategy for this. I am too lazy to fill in some of the details though, so maybe a bit of it doesn't work, but it should be OK. However, I am also reliant on a much easier-looking conjecture (which I've tested numerically so should be fine, but I can't see why it's true): CONJECTURE 2: if $C$ is odd and $27C^2-4=23D^2$, then there's no prime p dividing D of the form $2x^2+xy+3y^2$. So I am claiming Conj 2 implies Conj 1. I don't know how to prove Conj 2 but it looks very accessible. Note that the Pell equation is related to units in $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{69})$ and the $2x^2+xy+3y^2$ is related to factorization in $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-23})$. I've seen other results relating the arithmetic of $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{D})$ and $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-3D})$. ________________________________________________________________________ Ok, so assuming Conjecture 2, let me sketch a proof of Conjecture 1. The Pell equation is intimately related to the recurrence relation $$t_{n+2}=25t_{n+1}-t_n$$ with various initial conditions. For example the positive $C$s which are solutions to $27C^2-4=23D^2$ are all generated by this recurrence starting at $C_1=C_2=1$, and the $D$s are all generated by the same recurrence with $D_1=-1$ and $D_2=1$. Note that $C_n$ is even iff $n$ is a multiple of 3, and (by solving the recurrence explicitly) one checks easily that $C_{3n}=(3C_{n+1})^3-(3C_{n+1})$, so we've represented the even solutions to the Pell equation as values of $F$ (with $x=y=0$). Let's then consider the odd solutions to the Pell equation. Say $C$ is one of these. We want to prove that there is no solution in integers $x,y,z$ to $$2x^2+xy+3y^2=z^3-z+C.$$ Let's do it by contradiction. Consider the polynomial $Z^3-Z+C$. First I claim it's irreducible. This is because it is monic, of degree 3, and has no integer root, because $C$ is odd. Next I claim that the splitting field contains $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-23})$. This is because of our Pell assumption and the fact that the discriminant of $Z^3-Z+C$ is $4-27C^2$. Next I claim that the splitting field of $Z^3-Z+C$ is in fact the Hilbert class field of $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-23})$. I only know an ugly way of seeing this: if $\theta$ is a root of $Z^3-Z+1=0$ then I know recurrence relations $e_n$, $f_n$ and $g_n$ (all defined using the relation above but with different initial conditions) with $e_n\theta^2+f_n\theta+g_n$ a root of $Z^3-Z+C_{3n+1}$, and other relations giving roots of $Z^3-Z+C_{3n+2}$ and $Z^3-Z-C_{3n+1}$ and $Z^3-Z-C_{3n+2}$. Most unenlightening but it does the job because it embeds $\mathbf{Q}(\theta)$ into the splitting field, and the Galois closure of $\mathbf{Q}(\theta)$ is the Hilbert class field of $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-23})$. Right, now for the contradiction, assuming Conjecture 2. Let's assume that $C$ is a solution to the Pell, and $z^3-z+C$ can be written $2x^2+xy+3y^2$. Now $C$ is odd so $z^3-z+C$ isn't zero, and hence it's positive, so it's the norm of a non-principal ideal~$I$ in the integers $R$ of $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-23})$. This ideal $I$ is a product of prime ideals, and $I$ isn't principal, so one of the prime ideals had better also not be principal. Say this prime ideal has norm $p$. We conclude that $p$ divides $z^3-z+C$ and $p$ is of the form $2x^2+xy+3y^2$. Note in particular that this implies $p\not=23$. Also $p\not=3$, because $C$ is odd and (because of general Pell stuff) hence prime to 3. CASE 1: $p$ is coprime to $D^2$ (with $27C^2-4=23D^2$). In this case the polynomial $Z^3-Z+C$ has non-zero discriminant mod $p$ (because $p\not=23$) and furthermore has a root $Z=z$ mod $p$. Hence mod $p$ the polynomial either splits as the product of a linear and a quadratic, or the product of three linears. This tells us something about the factorization of $p$ in the splitting field of $Z^3-Z+C$: either $p$ remains inert in $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-23})$, or it splits into 6 primes in the splitting field and hence splits into two principal primes in $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-23})$ (because the principal primes are the ones that split completely in the Hilbert class field). In either case $p$ can't be of the form $2x^2+xy+3y^2$, so this case is done. CASE 2: This is simply Conjecture 2. In both cases we have our contradiction, and so we have proved, so far, assuming Conjecture 2, that a solution $C$ to $27C^2-4=23D^2$ is representable as $2x^2+xy+3y^2+z^3-z$ iff it's even. Note that Conjecture 2 can be verified by computer for explicit values of $C$, giving unconditional results---for example I checked in just a few seconds that any odd $C$ with $|C|<10^{72}$ and satisfying the Pell equation was not representable by the form, and that result does not rely on anything. At least that's something concrete for Jagy. ________________________________________________________________________ OK so what about the other way: say $27C^2-4$ is not 23 times a square. How to go about representing $C$ by our form? Well, here I am going to be much vaguer because there are issues I am simply too tired to deal with (and note that this is not the question that Jagy asked anyway). Here's the idea. Look at the proof of Theorem 2 in Jagy's pdf Mordell.pdf. Here Mordell gives a general algorithm to represent certain integers by (quadratic in two variables) + (cubic in one variable). If you apply it not to the form we're interested in, but to the following equation: $$x^2+xy+6y^2=z^3-z+C$$ then, I didn't check all the details, but I convinced myself that they could easily be checked if I had another hour or two, but I think that the techniques show that whatever the value of $C$ is, this equation has a solution. The idea is to fix $C$, let $\theta$ be a root of the cubic on the right (which we can assume is irreducible, as if it were reducible then we get a solution with $x=y=0$), to rewrite the right hand side as $N_{F/\mathbf{Q}}(z-\theta)$, with $F=\mathbf{Q}(\theta)$ and now to try and write $z-\theta$ as $G^2+GH+2H^2$ with $G,H\in\mathbf{Z}[\theta]$. Mordell does this explicitly (in a slightly different case) in the pdf. The arguments come out the same though, and we end up having to check that a certain cubic in four variables has a solution modulo~23 with a certain property. I'll skip the painful details. The cubic depends on $C$ mod 23, and so a computer calculation can deal with all 23 cases. Once this is done properly we have a solution to $x^2+xy+6y^2=z^3-z+C$, so we have written $z^3-z+C$ as the norm of a principal ideal in the integers of $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-23})$. What we need to do now is to write it as the norm of a non-principal ideal, and of course we'll be able to do this if we can find some prime $p$ dividing $z^3-z+C$ which splits in $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-23})$ into two non-principal primes, because then we replace one of the prime divisors above $p$ in our ideal by the other one. What we need then is to show that if the discriminant of $z^3-z+C$ is not $-23$ times a square, then there _is_ some prime $p$ of the form $2x^2+xy+3y^2$ dividing some number of the form $z^3-z+C$ which is the norm of a principal ideal. This should follow from the Cebotarev density theorem, because Mordell's methods construct a huge number of solutions to $x^2+xy+6y^2=z^3-z+C$ which are "only constrained modulo 23", and so one should presumably be able to find a prime which splits in $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-23})$, splits completely in the splitting field of $z^3-z+C$ and doesn't split completely in the splitting field of $z^3-z+1$. I have run out of energy to deal with this point however, so again there is a hole here. This issue seems analytic to me, and I am not much of an analytic guy. __________________________________________________________________________________ EDIT: OK so here, verbatim, is an email from Lenstra in which he establishes Conjecture 2. Note: when he says "2)" he means the statement that if C is an odd solution to the Pell and if theta is a root of $X^3-X+1=0$ then $\mathbf{Z}[\theta]$ contains a root of $X^3-X+C$ (I sketched a proof of this above). ********************* Let eta in Z[theta] be a zero of X^3-X+C. Then |D| = index(Z[theta]:Z[eta]). Now let p be a prime number of the form 2x^2+xy+3y^2. To be proved: p does not divide D. By class field theory over Q(sqrt(-23)), the prime p is inert in Z[theta], so Z[theta]/pZ[theta] is a field of size ppp. Look at the image e (say) of eta in that field. It is nonzero, since from eta's equation it is clear that eta/p is not an algebraic integer. First case: e is in the prime field. Then since the trace of eta is 0, the trace 3e of e is zero but e isn't, so p = 3. And 3 visibly doesn't divide D by 27CC-4=23DD. (Actually, if we believe 2), then this first case cannot occur, since e in prime field implies Z[eta] subset Z + pZ[theta] hence 3|index = |D| after all.) Second case: e is not in the prime field. Then e generates the entire field, so Z[theta] = Z[eta] + pZ[theta], so p acts surjectively on the finite abelian group Z[theta]/Z[eta], so its order |D| is not divisible by p. End of proof.