Recall that the definition of the Lie derivative of a tensor field $T$ with respect to a vector field $X$ is given by "dragging" $T$ with respect to the one-parameter (quasi) group $\phi_t$ generated by $X$, i.e., computing $\phi_t^*(T)$, and differentiating wrt $t$ at $t = 0$. But to say that $X$ is a Killing field means that the $\phi_t$ are (partial) isometries, and so not only preserve the metric tensor but also the Riemann curvature tensor and its contraction the Ricci tensor or any other tensor field that is defined canonically from the metric tensor and so preserved by isometries. Thus any such tensor field is preserved by dragging, i.e., $\phi_t^*(T)$ is constant in $t$ and so has a zero derivative.