The conjugacy classes of the permutation group $S_n$ are indexed by partitions like $[6]$ and $[2,2,2] = [2^3]$ describing the cycle type. What happens when you take products of two whole conjugacy classes? I saw in a paper, $$[6][2^3] = 6[3,1^3] + 8[2^2,1^2]+5[5,1]+4[4,2]+3[3^2]$$ Which I take to mean if you multiply a 6-cycle (**abcdef**) and a product of disjoint 3-cycles (**pq**)(**rs**)(**tv**), you can get - a three-cycle (**abc**), - two two-cycles (**ab**)(**cd**), - a five-cycles (**abcde**), - a four-cycles and a two-cycle (**abcd**)(**ef**), - two three cycles (**abc**)(**def**) With certain multiplicities. Is it predictable what kinds of conjugacy classes you get? And there an interpretation of this as the intersection cohomology of some moduli space?