Let $\{X_i\}_{i \geq 1}$ be a sequence of iid uniform random variables on $[0, 1]$. Given a realisation $\omega$ of the random variables, we say that $X_i (\omega)$ is a *running maximum* if $X_i (\omega) \geq X_j(\omega)$ for all $j < i$. **Question:** Let $M_n$ denote the number of running maximums up to time $n$. Is it true that $$M_n \sim \log n$$ almost surely as $n \to \infty$? That is, do there exist deterministic constants $c, C > 0$ such that for almost every $\omega$ and for all large enough $N$, possibly depending on $\omega$, we have $$c \log n \leq M_n (\omega) \leq C \log n$$ for all $n \geq N(\omega)$?