If $U\subset\mathbb{R}$ is open, we say that $u\in {AC}(U)$
if $u$ is absolutely continuous on every compact interval in
$U$. Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^n$. We say that
$u$ is *absolutely continuous on lines*, $u\in {ACL}(\Omega)$,
if the function $u$ is Borel measurable and for almost every line
$\ell$ parallel to one of the coordinate axes, $u|_\ell\in AC(\Omega\cap\ell)$.
Since absolutely continuous functions in dimension one are differentiable a.e.,
$u\in {ACL}(\Omega)$ has partial derivatives a.e.

> **Theorem.** $f\in L^1_{\rm loc}(\Omega)$ has weak derivative $\nabla f\in L^1_{\rm loc}(\Omega)$ if and only if $f\in ACL(\Omega)$. Moreover the pointwise derivative of $f$ which exists a.e., equals to the weak derivative.

**Remark.** Functions that are equal a.e. are identified so by writing $f\in ACL(\Omega)$ we mean that $f$ equals a.e. to a function that belongs to $ACL(\Omega)$.