A search for aesthetic* in the title at MathSciNet yields 100 hits, e.g., 

MR3751155 Lähdesmäki, Tuuli – Aesthetics of geometry and the problem of representation in monument sculpture. Aesthetics of interdisciplinarity: art and mathematics, 275–290, Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, 2017. 

MR3751140 Cohen, Mark Daniel – The geometric expansion of the aesthetic sense. Aesthetics of interdisciplinarity: art and mathematics, 29–43, Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, 2017. 

MR3644156 Pimm, David; Sinclair, Nathalie – Explaining beauty in mathematics: an aesthetic theory of mathematics [book review of MR3156013]. Math. Intelligencer 39 (2017), no. 1, 79–81.

MR3623974 Kao, Yueying; He, Ran; Huang, Kaiqi – Deep aesthetic quality assessment with semantic information. IEEE Trans. Image Process. 26 (2017), no. 3, 1482–1495.