I'd like to know if infinitely repeating sequences of moves (i.e. cycles) are possible in the following game:

> [Prodway][1] is a game for two players (Black and White) that is
> played on an initially empty square board. The top and bottom edges of
> the board are colored black; the left and right edges are colored
> white.
> A *crosscut* is a 2x2 area containing two diagonally adjacent black
> stones and two diagonally adjacent white stones.
> Black plays first, then turns alternate. On your turn, place a stone
> of your color on an empty point or on a point occupied by an enemy
> stone. In the latter case, move the enemy stone to an orthogonally
> adjacent empty point before placing your stone. Your newly placed
> stone must not be part of any crosscuts. If the moved enemy
> stone is part of one or more crosscuts, remove the other enemy stones
> in those crosscuts.
> You win if, after a full move by either player, there is a chain of
> orthogonally connected stones of your color touching the two opposite
> board edges of your color. Passing is not allowed, but, if you have no
> legal moves available, your turn is skipped.

Here's a mesmerizing near cycle.

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

Reneo, a related game, is [finite][3], but has different rules for swaps and removals. In Prodway, captures are more frequent, and you can capture up to two enemy stones on a single turn. In Reneo, you never capture more than one stone on a single turn.

  [1]: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3130103/new-orthogonal-connection-games-reneo-prodway-and
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/Juosv.gif
  [3]: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3135288/are-cycles-possible