**Traditional approach.** Notice that what is considered in [[DMW00][1]; [DFM03][2]] and elsewhere to quantize the C-field flux $G_4$ is not just ordinary cohomology, but ordinary cohomology with bells and whistles added as need be: Foremost there is the half-integral quantization of the $G_4$-flux, mentioned as (3.2) in [[DMW00][1]]. Ordinary cohomology may be modified ("shifted") to accommodate this, as maybe first formalized in [[HS02][3]] and used in [[DFM03][2]]. Beyond this, [[DMW00][1]] argue that the "M-theory path integral" imposes a further condition on the shifted integral cohomology class of $G_4$, namely that it be in the kernel of the Steenrod operation $Sq^3$. Whether this constraint is enforced by flux quantization in some further modification of ordinary cohomology is not discussed there. Instead, the observation made is that the constraint $Sq^3 [F_4] = 0$ is also the first condition that appears in the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for lifting an ordinary cohomology class $[F_4]$ to complex topological K-theory, as demanded by the widely accepted conjecture that RR-field fluxes $F_{n}$ in string theory are quantized in topological K-theory. Since, moreover, $F_4$ is meant to come from $G_4$ as one lifts string theory to M-theory, the observation of [[DMW00][1]] is hence that the "integral equation of motion" in M-theory reproduces one of the constraints on one of the RR-field components given by flux quantization in K-theory. Suggestive as this is, this consistency check is arguably not a "derivation of K-theory" in string theory. In fact, the conjecture that string theoretic RR-flux really is quantized in K-theory remains itself being debated (for instance, it's not clear how to make it compatible with S-duality). The problem here is that little is known with certainty about non-perturbative string theory beyond a web of interlocking conjectures. **Hypothesis H.** In view of this situation it seems worthwhile to try a strict top-down approach where a unified generalized cohomology theory in M-theory is postulated and its consequences on flux quantization rigorously derived. There are good hints what this M-theoretic cohomology theory ought to be: Its image in rational cohomology must see the trivialization of the cup square of the $G_4$-flux demanded by 11d supergravity -- this being the M-theoretic lift of the twisted Bianchi identities that motivate the twisted K-theory conjecture [[MSa 03, Sec. 4.2][4]; [FSS 16, Sec. 3][5]]. The condition happens to be exactly the relation that identifies the Sullivan model of the 4-sphere, thus suggesting that M-brane charge is quantized in 4-Cohomotopy theory; due to [[Sa13, Sec. 2.5][6]]. Indeed, cohomotopical charge quantization in M-theory, on the rational level, follows from a first-principles analysis of the super $p$-brane scan, and is as such the direct M-theoretic analogue of a computation that derives the twisted K-theory classification of D-brane charge ([[FSS15][7]], reviewed in [[FSS19a, Sec. 7][8]]). This means that any cohomology theory which quantizes M-brane charge should rationally coincide with Cohomotopy theory. Accordingly, it is quite natural to consider the hypothesis (dubbed "[Hypothesis H][9]") that M-brane charge is in Cohomotopy theory itself [[Sa13][6]] (suitably twisted by the tangent bundle [[FSS19b][10]; [FSS19c][11]]). **Implications.** Indeed, one finds that the assumption of [Hypothesis H][9], that M-brane charge is in J-twisted Cohomotopy theory, readily implies both the half-integral shifted flux quantization on $G_4$ as well as the "integral equation of motion" -- together with a list of further expected constraints [[FSS19b, Table 1][10]]. This way [Hypothesis H][9] implies as much "derivation of K-theory"; though one should push further to an actual derivation of the implied flux quantization of RR-fields. Derivation from [Hypothesis H][9] of more of the fine-print in the K-theory conjecture is in [[SS19a][12]], [[BSS18][13]], [[BMSS 18][14]]. Moreover, [Hypothesis H][9] sees the Hořava-Witten Green-Schwarz mechanism in the presence of M5-branes [[FSS19d][15]; [SS20b][16]], reveals fine-print in the M5-brane anomaly cancellation argument [[FSS19c][11]; [SS20a][17]], and seems to see a zoo of subtle brane charge effects expected in Hanany-Witten systems [[SS19b][18]]. Certainly none of these effects follows from flux quantization in just ordinary cohomology (nor in K-theory, for that matter). By way of outlook, we think we see now that there is a natural chromatic character map on twisted Cohomotopy which exhibits the M5-brane partition function as charge-quantized in elliptic cohomology, matching traditional discussion of M5-brane ellitptic genera. This is work in progress. **Conclusion.** In summary, rigorous derivation of the implications of [Hypothesis H][9] suggests that twisted Cohomotopy theory sees a fair number of subtle effects that have previously been argued informally to appear in the elusive non-perturbative completion of string theory. This may be indication that, going beyond the traditional approach of hard-coding M-theoretic folklore into a putative "C-field model", charge quantization in twisted Cohomotopy might get to the native heart of the elusive mathematical nature of "M-theory". But, of course, more analysis is necessary. **Exposition.** More exposition of motivation and development of [Hypothesis H][9] may be found in talk notes of the recent meeting at NYU AD [*M-Theory and Mathematics*][19]: [[Sa20][20]; [Sc20][21]]. **References.** * **[DMW00]** E. Diaconescu, G. Moore, E. Witten, _$E_8$ Gauge Theory, and a Derivation of K-Theory from M-Theory_, Adv. Theor. Math. 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