Since this has been reopened, I'm going to repeat what I said in the meta thread before this question gets closed again: > stick the simplified proof on the nLab and cite that This is a completely serious suggestion. You have an improved version of the proof (whether it is *globally* improved or just *locally* improved[1]). It's not "original research" so an "Established Journal" might be reluctant to publish it[2]. But hordes of other mathematicians will be interested in reading it so it should be put somewhere that they can find it. This seems a perfect fit for the nLab. If you have it written in reasonably standard LaTeX, I can even help you get it into the right formatting. [1] A *global* improvement is one that anyone reading the original proof would be interested in, a *local* improvement is one that anyone reading your result that depends on it would be interested in. [2] Insert standard rant about journals here.