This is not a satisfactory answer,should be a comment, but I do not have the reputation to write comment, so I write it here.

1. $u_R$ is uniformly bounded,
\left\|\vec{u}_{R}\right\|_{\dot{H}^{1}} \leq \frac{1}{\nu}\|\vec{f}\|_{\dot{H}^{-1}}
so a weak limit $u$ of $u_R$ (distribution sense) exist, this can be figure out by take diagonal subsequence of a sequence, further more, in general case the weak limit $u$ is a continuous linear functional defined on $D$ and can not extend to $H^{-1}$ still bounded(or continue), if it can extend as a continuous linear functional on $C^{\infty} \subset H^{1} \subset H^{-1}$, then it is conincide with a $\hat u\in H^1$ and belong to $H^{1}$. rellich theorem, we can figure out
H^{1}(R^3)=W^{1, 1}(R^3) \subset \subset L^{q}(R^3) \text { for } 1 \leq q<6 
So by use the method of taking diagonal subsequence of a sequence, we can find a $u$,
$$u_{R_k} \longrightarrow u,\ in \ L^q(R^3),\ \forall 1\leq q<6 $$

3. a weak limit of a sequence if exist then it is unique, so by take subsequence of process of 1,2. we can find a subsequence $u_{R_k}$, $u$ is the weak limit of $u_{R_k}$, so $u$ satisfied the equation,
\nu \Delta \vec{u}+\vec{f}-\operatorname{div}(\vec{u} \otimes \vec{u})=\vec{\nabla} p
in distribution sense, and at the same time $u\in L^{q}(R^3), \forall 1\leq q<6 $

4.Now, the problem is can we go further to get $u\in H^{1}$, in general this is not true for bound sequence $\left\|\vec{u}_{R}\right\|_{\dot{H}^{1}} \leq M$, but when $u_R$ is come from some approximation of a differential equation, this is in general true, if not blow up. I do not know how to firgue out this spetial one, but it seem the general method is use the regularity we already get, i.e. $f\in L^q(R^3), \forall 1\leq q<6$ into the distribution equation, i.e. \begin{equation*}
\nu \Delta \vec{u}+\vec{f}-\operatorname{div}(\vec{u} \otimes \vec{u})=\vec{\nabla} p
if change the equation to $\Delta u+u^2=f, f\in L^2(R^n)$, then by the previous argument we can show a suitable limit $u=lim_{k}u_k$ satisfied $u\in L^{q}(R^n), \forall 1\leq q<6$, and then as distribution $\Delta u=f-u^2 \in L^{2}(R^n)$, and then $u\in H^{2,2}(R^3)$, there should be a similar method to gain the information that $u= lim u_{R_k}$ is in $H^1$.