*Edit: Thanx very much to Neil Strickland for quickly explaining to us that the following cannot be realized over finite commutative $\mathbb{C}$-algebras, as I had originally asked.*

I know that there is a finite tensor category (from minimal models) with the following relations that seem rather strange to me. In particular it seems now one cannot realize it as modules over a ring. 
Does anyone know an algebraic situation, where something similar occurs? (maybe in a derived category?). 

A **non-simple** unit object $\mathbb{1}$ 

$$0\to J\to \mathbb{1} \to Q \to 0$$
$$J\otimes Q=\{0\}$$
$$Q\otimes Q=Q$$
(for modules over a ring $R,\otimes_R$, this means $J$ is an ideal with $J^2=J$, thus $R$ often splits, see below). 

such that $J\otimes J$ is an extension **the-other-way-around** $$M:=J\otimes J$$
$$0\to Q\to M \to J \to 0$$
(for modules over a ring $R,\otimes_R$ the product $J\otimes J$ cannot be larger then $J$) 

and which acts somewhat like a **second identity**
$$M\otimes M=M $$
$$M\otimes Q=\{0\}$$ 
$$M\otimes J= M$$

Any hints what some of these situations are called in literature are also very welcome. 

Thanx very much for your help in advance!