**NEW VERSION** The earliest version of this answer was incorrect, as noted by Rob Pratt and Oleg567. My new code was apparently correct but there was an embarrassing bug in old code used with it. Keep fingers crossed... ---------- Call two solutions equivalent if one is obtained from the other by permuting columns. I made some crude code, not well checked, and found these optimal solutions for vectors of length $n$. $n=2$: best is 2, 2 nonequivalent solutions, example 10 11 $n=3$: best is 4, with 2 nonequivalent solutions, example 110 101 011 111 $n=4$: best is 5, with 48 nonequivalent solutions, example 1100 1011 0111 1110 1111 $n=5$: best is 7, with 877 nonequivalent solutions, example 11100 11010 11001 10111 01111 11110 11111 $n=6$: best is 9, with 114227 nonequivalent solutions, example 111000 100111 010111 001111 110110 111100 111011 111110 111101 $n=7$: best is 12, with 118485 nonequivalent solutions, example 1000000 0100000 0010000 1001000 1101100 1001011 0011110 1110010 0111010 0111001 0100111 1010101 The method I'm using might be able to do $n=8$, but $n=10$ is impossible. If someone could verify the above are solutions, that would improve confidence in the results. The slowest part by far is testing for equal subset sums. I run through all the subsets using a gray code, with only a few machine instructions for each. But what it really needs is some way to test the condition without enumerating subsets. Is there one? It took about 45 seconds to do $n=6$ and 220 hours to do $n=7$. All the above solutions can be found on my [combinatorial data page][1]. [1]: http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/data/dissociated.html