Consider an open domain $U$ split in two non-overlapping subdomains: $U = U_1 \cup U_2$. For a model case, consider a ball split in a smaller ball and an anulus. >Consider the following elliptic problem: >\begin{align*} -&\nabla ( A_1(x)\nabla u ) =f_1 \ &\text{ in } U_1\\ -&\nabla ( A_2(x)\nabla u )=f_2 & \text{ in } U_2\\ & u=g & \text{ on } \partial U \end{align*} ---------- In the previous questions - - a related problem was considered in the case of a prescribed jump or Neumann condition at the interface between $U_1$ and $U_2$. ------------ In this question I wander about the general case without prescribed condition on $u$ at the interface. - What references deal with such problems? - What are the techniques to obtain existence and uniqueness results in this case? - Indeed can we even get uniqueness without a condition at the interface? Why or why not? - What are the minimal assumptions on $f_1$, $f_2$ and the domain that make the problem wellposed?