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7 votes
1 answer

How to visualize local complete intersection morphisms?

As the question title asks for, how do others visualize local complete intersection morphisms? My experiment in asking people in real life didn't pan out, so I'm consulting the MO algebraic geometry ...
Student's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How to visualize finiteness of class number?

As the question title asks for, how do others "visualize" the finiteness of class number with algebro-geometric insight? I just think of it as a result in algebraic number theory and not one in ...
Squid with Black Bean Sauce's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Visualization of hidden structures in numbers

[Please allow me a note: The way desribed below allows to depict functions $f:X^2 \rightarrow Y$ completely in two dimensions (without hiding or omitting any information). This allows for depicting ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
36 votes
2 answers

How to visualize Dirichlet’s unit theorem?

As the question title asks for, how do others "visualize" Dirichlet’s unit theorem? I just think of it as a result in algebraic number theory and not one in algebraic geometry. Bonus points for ...
Squid with Black Bean Sauce's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

How to visualize the Frobenius endomorphism?

As the question title asks for, how do others "visualize" the Frobenius endomorphism? I asked some people in real life and they said they didn't know and that I could go and ask on MO and possibly get ...
Squid with Black Bean Sauce's user avatar