Questions tagged [vector-bundles]

A continuously varying family of vector spaces of the same dimension over a topological space. If the vector spaces are one-dimensional, the term line bundle is used and has the associated tag line-bundles.

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1 vote
0 answers

Extending the natural thom form of a vector bundle from the boundary of a manifold

(Edited after taking into account Tom Goodwillie's answer.) Let $E \rightarrow X$ be an orientable vector bundle. In this MO answer it is explained how to obtain a representative of the Thom class (...
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1 answer

Is the subscheme parametrizing the k-th degeneracy loci Cohen-Macaulay?

Let $X$ be a Cohen-Macaulay projective variety (say over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0), and $E,F$ two vector bundles such that $E^*\otimes F$ is globally generated. Consider the ...
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1 answer

Identifying the circle bundle of the canonical line bundle $\mathcal{O}(-n-1)$ over a projective space $\mathbb{CP}^n$

It's not hard to see the following fact: the circle bundle of the tautological line bundle $\mathcal{O}(-1)\rightarrow \mathbb{CP}^n$ is $S^{2n+1}$, the unit sphere inside $C^{n+1}.$ I want to see ...
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1 answer

Deriving the definition of vector bundle morphisms from Cartan geometry (a.k.a. why are they linear?)

I'm familiar with the definition of the category of vector bundles, but I'm trying to derive it from some first principles about general fiber bundles. My intuition is that vector bundles should be ...
5 votes
1 answer

Converging paths implies converging parallel transports along those paths?

Suppose we have a vector bundle $E$ with connection $\nabla$ over a smooth manifold $M$. Let’s also say we have a sequence of smooth paths $\gamma_n\in C^\infty([0,1],M)$ starting at the same point $\...
50 votes
6 answers

Total spaces of $TS^2$ and $S^2 \times R^2$ not homeomorphic

Hello, I'm looking for an invariant to distinguish the homeomorphism types of homotopy equivalent spaces. Specifically, how does one show that the total spaces of the tangent bundle to $S^2$ and the ...
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1 answer

Normal bundle to a double line in quartic threefold

I work on complex numbers. Let $Q \subset \mathbb P^4$ be a quartic threefold that contains a double line $l$. I want to compute the normal sheaf of $l$ in $Q$, and I seem to find only two possible ...
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1 answer

Proving that $H^1(X,\mathcal{Hom}(\mathcal{G},\mathcal{E})) \cong \text{Ext}^1(\mathcal{G},\mathcal{E})$ holds for locally free sheaves

The following passage is from a thesis I'm reading: Suppose we have a short exact sequence of vector bundles $$0 \to \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{F}\to \mathcal{G} \to 0.$$ Since these sheaves are ...
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0 answers

I'm looking for the NLab page on particle species

This is just a reference request. I came across an NLab page on particle species described as certain vector bundles. But I can't seem to find it again when I searched recently. If someone can point ...
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1 answer

Factorization systems for vector bundles

Are there any well-known factorization systems for the category of vector bundles defined over topological spaces?
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Cohomology of equivariant toric vector bundles using Klyachko's filtration

I am trying to understand Klyachko's following description of the cohomology groups of locally free (hopefully more generally of reflexive) sheaves on toric varieties. Whereas detailed literature ...
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1 answer

Bochner Laplacian in coordinates

Sorry if this is a too basic question, but I didn't find an answer anywhere: The connection Laplacian, or Bochner Laplacian, is the differential operator acting on $k$-tensor fields $T\in\Gamma^{\...
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0 answers

Are coherent modules with integrable log-connections locally free?

Let $X$ be a smooth Noetherian scheme over a field $K$. It is known that every coherent module with integrable connection on $X$ is locally free. Is the same true for coherent modules with log-...
21 votes
6 answers

A ring such that all projectives are stably free but not all projectives are free?

This question is motivated by this recent question. Suppose $R$ is commutative, Noetherian ring and $M$ a finitely generated $R$-module. Let $FD(M)$ and $PD(M)$ be the shortest length of free and ...
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0 answers

Parallel transport on a vector bundle : expansion of the correspondance between normal and tubular coordinates

Let $(M, g^{TM})$ be a Riemannian manifold of dimension $n$. Let $X \subset M$ be a submanifold of dimension $n$ with boundary $\partial X$. Then we have a splitting of the tangent bundle $$TM \vert_{\...
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1 answer

Vector bundles on $\mathbb{P}^1$

I am considering an alternative proof of Grothendieck's classification of vector bundles on $\mathbb{P}^1$. Given a vector bundle $E$ on $\mathbb{P}^1$ one can associate a graded module $\Gamma(E)$ ...
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0 answers

Stable equivalence and stability theorem of vector bundles

I am going through this paper by Tanaka. In the proof of Proposition 3.2(1) given below The author says that by the stability theorem as $\dim (B)\le m$ we have $\alpha\oplus1\cong m\oplus1$. But I ...
3 votes
1 answer

Derived flat bundles

I am looking for a notion of derived flat bundles over a surface $X$. Flat vector bundles may be thought of in terms of surface representations $\pi_1(X)\rightarrow\text{GL}(V)$. Is there a notion of ...
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0 answers

category of vector bundles with connections and its K-theory

For the category of Hermitian vector bundles with unitary connections, an object is (of course) a Hermitian vector bundle with a Hermitian metric and a unitary connection $(E, g^E, \nabla^E)$. For ...
8 votes
0 answers

Flat Maurer-Cartan connection iff flat Berry connection

I am studying two connections on induced representation spaces $\text{Ind}_{H}^{G} \Gamma$, where $H \subseteq G$ are groups, and $\Gamma$ is an irrep of $H$. The first is the canonical or $H$-...
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0 answers

Let $f: X \to D$ be a proper holomorphic submersion. Does a holomorphic form on $X$, closed on each fiber of $f$, have holomorphic coefficients?

Let $D$ be the unit disc in $\mathbb{C}^n$ and let $f: X \to D$ be a proper surjective holomorphic submersion, which is trivial as a smooth fiber bundle, with connected fiber $F$. We get an induced ...
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0 answers

Extending topological vector bundles and obstruction theory

This is a question that has appeared in various forms on MathOverflow, see here and here, for example. But as opposed to these more algebraic questions, I am interested in the purely topological ...
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1 answer

Isomorphism between tangent bundle of $S^2$ and the kernel of a bundle homomorphism

Let $S^{4n+3} \to \mathbb{H}P^n$ be the standard projection which is a fiber bundle with fiber $S^3$. By the action of $S^1$ on $S^3$ we get a fiber bundle $$ \mathbb{C}P^1 \xrightarrow{\iota} \mathbb{...
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1 answer

Slopes of the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of a subbundle

Suppose $(p_1, ..., p_n)$ and $(q_1, ..., q_n)$ are two (non-strictly) decreasing sequences of positive real numbers. We say that $(q_1, ..., q_n)$ dominates $(p_1, ..., p_n)$ if $q_n \geq p_n$, $q_n+...
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0 answers

Rank and determinant of the image of a vector bundle after applying a Schur functor?

Let $\mathcal{E}$ be a vector bundle of rank $r$ and degree $d$ over some smooth projective variety $X$. Furthermore, let $\lambda$ be a partition of $n$. We apply the $\lambda$-th Schur functor to $\...
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0 answers

Reference for numerically non-negative polynomials for nef vector bundles

Let $K$ be a field. A polynomial $F \in \mathbb{Q}[X_1, \dots, X_r]$ which is weighted homogeneous of degree $n$ with respect to the grading $\deg(X_k) = k$ is called numerically non-negative for nef ...
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2 answers

Sheafification of presheaf of trivial vector bundles is the stack of vector bundles

This is a deliberately vague question, possibly obvious to experts. Let $F$ be a field. Over the (say, fpqc) site of $F$-schemes, we may define a presheaf $T^{\textrm{pre}}$ that takes a scheme $S$ ...
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0 answers

Orthogonal bundles with values in a line bundle vs. reductions of structure group to $O(n)$

I have already posted this question in math.stackexchange here, but didn't get any response, so I'm posting my question here as well. Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb{C}$, and $\pi:...
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1 answer

Self-intersection of zero section of line bundle over elliptic base curve

Let $C$ be an elliptic curve over $k=\mathbb{C}$ and $\mathcal{L}$ a line bundle of degree $d$. It induces naturally a $\mathbb{A}^1$-fibration $L \to C$ where $L=\underline{\operatorname{Spec}} (\...
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2 answers

Obstructions to the existence of a flat connection on a vector bundle

Given a smooth manifold $M$ and a smooth vector bundle $E \to M$ (with real or complex fibers), what are known obstructions to the existence of a flat connection on $E \to M$? If all known ...
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0 answers

A question on the proof of pullback bundles by homotopic maps are isomorphic in Prof. Ralph Cohen notes

Here is a question about proving the pullback bundles by homotopic maps are isomorphic in Prof. Ralph Cohen notes Bundles, Homotopy, and Manifolds. The proof is in page 73 of the notes. For me, ...
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0 answers

Pushforwards in vector bundles over a topological spaces

I have been reading the discussion from Pushforward and pullback.. I understand that it is quite straight forward to construct a pullback of a vector bundle. In the discussion it is clear that if we ...
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A question about vector bundle isomorphisms

Let $E\to X\times[0, 1]$ be a vector bundle. Define a map $i_t:X\to X\times[0, 1]$ by $i_t(x)=(x, t)$. Then we know the vector bundles $i_0^*E$ and $i_1^*E$ are isomorphic, and probably there are many ...
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0 answers

The conormal sheaf is the sheaf of sections of the conormal bundle for smooth manifolds

$\def\sO{\mathcal{O}} \def\d{\mathrm{d}}$In ringed spaces theory, there is a notion of “conormal sheaf of an immersion” (mainly used in scheme theory), whereas in smooth manifold theory, there is the ...
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0 answers

Differential graded modules and the Serre-Swan theorem

I am thinking about how connections combine with a modification of the Serre-Swan theorem, which relates vector bundles to projective modules. If $E \rightarrow B$ is a vector bundle, or even just any ...
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0 answers

Homology groups of moduli of parabolic bundles with fixed determinant

I am looking for the Homology groups of the moduli space of stable parabolic bundles over a smooth projective curve with fixed determinant. In particular, what is the second homology group of such ...
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1 answer

Non-homogeneous line bundles over a homogeneous space

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group and $G/K$ a connected homogeneous space. A homogeneous vector bundle over $G/K$ is a vector bundle is one that is isomorphic to a vector bundle of the form $$ G \times_{\...
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0 answers

The curvature of the induced connection on the antidual bundle

Let $E\to M$ be a complex vector bundle over a (real, smooth) manifold and $\nabla$ a connection on $E\to M$ whose curvature is $R$. From Section 1.5 of "Differential Geometry of Complex Vector ...
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2 answers

Is a positive degree self map on a Riemann surface homotopic to a holomorphic self map?

Let $S$ be a compact Riemann surface and $f:S\to S$ be a continuous self map of positive degree. Is $f$ homotopic to a holomorphic map on $S$? Motivation: I had intention to consider this question ...
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0 answers

Equality of topologies in the spaces of section of a vector bundle

In this notes Geometric Wave Equations by Stefan Waldmann at page 7 he has Let $E \longrightarrow M$ be a vector bundle of rank $N$. For a chart $(U, \psi)$ we consider a compact subset $K \subseteq ...
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0 answers

The definition of the determinant of a coherent sheaf

Let $ X $ be a smooth (projective) variety and $ \mathcal{F} $ a torsion-free coherent sheaf of rank $ r $ on $ X $. The determinant $ \det \mathcal{F} $ can be defined by (1) $ \det \mathcal F := ( \...
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0 answers

Why is $\Omega_k(C^\infty(M))\to\Omega^1(M)$ surjective?

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold and let $A=C^\infty(M).$ We consider module of Kahler differentials $\Omega_k(A)$ and module of 1-forms $\Omega^1(M).$ Denote Kahler differential by $d_k$ and classical ...
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0 answers

Rank of a tangent map related to holomorphic line bundles

Let $L,\,\,J$ be two holomorphic line bundles over a compact Riemann surface $X$ of genus $g_X>0$ such that (1) $d_1:=\dim H^0\big(\operatorname{Hom}(L,J)\big)>0$ and $d_2:=\dim H^0\big(\...
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1 answer

Normal bundle of veronese as iteration extension of symmetric powers

In this post, an answer claims that the normal bundle of the Veronese decomposes into a filtration, such that the associated graded is $$\bigoplus_{i=2}^d S^i T,$$ where $T$ is the tangent bundle. But ...
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0 answers

Unicity of modifications of vector bundle on a regular base

I think that I have overheard the following statement, and would be grateful for either a reference or an explanation about why hearing must be slightly faulty and a clarification about what must ...
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0 answers

Algebraizable image of a morphism of Galois cohomology stacks

Assume I have a surjective morphism of algebraic group schemes over $\mathbb{Q}_p$, $\mathcal{G}\longrightarrow S$, equipped with a section, and assume both of these group schemes are equipped with an ...
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2 answers

Exterior differentiation of foliations

Let $M$ be a differentiable manifold. Let $T^*M$ be the cotangent bundle of $M$. Consider the exterior differentiation $d: A^p(M)\longrightarrow A^{p+1}(M)$, where $A^p(M)=\Gamma(\...
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1 answer

Equivariant sheaves on $\mathbb P^1$

Let $K(\mathbb P^1)$ be the Grothendieck group of sheaves on $\mathbb P^1$. I want to show that the map $K^{{\rm PGL}(2)\times \{\pm 1\}}(\mathbb P^1) \to K(\mathbb P^1)$ is not onto. I read somewhere ...
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1 answer

Pullback of a vector bundle extension class

Let $ X $ be a variety with an automorphism $ \phi : X \rightarrow X $. Suppose there is a short exact sequence of vector bundles $ 0 \rightarrow F \rightarrow E \rightarrow G \rightarrow 0 $ on $ X $ ...
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0 answers

Stability of cotangent bundle of hypersurface

Let $ X $ be a smooth hypersurface of degree $ d > 1 $ in $ \mathbb{P}^{n+1} $. What can be said about the stability (Slope/Gieseker) of the cotangent bundle of $ X $? The closest reference I could ...

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