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25 votes
2 answers

Relation between monads, operads and algebraic theories (Again)

This question (as the title obviously suggests) is similar to, or a continuation of, this question that was asked years ago on MO by a different user. The present question, though, is different from ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Relation between monads, operads and algebraic theories

I've begun to interest in algebraic theories and their categorical models: in particular monads, generalized multicategories and operads, lawvere theories and their generalization. Is there any ...
Giorgio Mossa's user avatar
6 votes
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Cohomology without comonad?

TL;DR. Many cohomologies can be unified using comonads. Question: which cohomologies cannot be? For each algebraic theory, there is an adjunction, and therefore a (co)monad (or called a (co)triple). ...
Student's user avatar
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Monad arising from operad

It's known that from every operad arises a cartesian monad whose algebras are the algebras for the operad. Leinster proved that there are different operads from which arise the same monad, in this way ...
Giorgio Mossa's user avatar