Questions tagged [toric-varieties]

Toric variety is embedding of algebraic tori.

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3 votes
1 answer

Faces of polyhedral cones and open immersions of affine toric schemes

Let $V$ be an $\mathbb{R}$-vector space of finite dimension, let $N$ be a $\mathbb{Z}$-structure on $V$, and let $M$ be its dual $\mathbb{Z}$-structure on the dual space $V^*$. Let $\sigma\subseteq V$...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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9 votes
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Closures of torus orbits in flag varieties

Consider the Lie group $G=SL_n(\mathbb C)$ with Borel subgroup $B$ and maximal torus $T\subset B$. I'm interested in the (Zariski) closures of $T$-orbits in the flag variety $F=G/B$. Now, as far as I ...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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6 votes
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"Reflexive" differentials on Gorenstein affine toric variety

Let $P \subset \mathbb{R}^{n-1}$ be a lattice polytope of dimension $n-1$ and let $\sigma \subset \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}^{n-1}$ be the cone over $1 \times P$. To the cone $\sigma$, we may ...
algebrachallenged's user avatar
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Principal $G$-bundles on affine toric varieties

Let $X_\sigma$ be an affine toric variety for an action of a torus $T$ and let $\mathcal{P}$ be a toric principal $G$-bundle over $X_\sigma$ where $G$ is an affine algebraic group (here base field $k$ ...
Kiu's user avatar
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Fibration of a toric symplectic manifold from a fibration of the moment polytope

This question is regarding fiber bundles, both whose fibers and total space are toric symplectic manifolds. The structure group on the fiber is a subgroup of the structure group of the total space. ...
Anon's user avatar
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Set theoretic complete intersections in toric varieties

Is it expected that every smooth projective variety over the complex numbers, is a set-theoretic complete intersection into a smooth projective toric variety? Is there an example of a smooth ...
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4 votes
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Complete intersections in toric varieties

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over the complex numbers. Is $X$ a global complete intersection inside a smooth projective toric variety?
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How can I compute minimal distance of the AG-code on the Hirzebruch surface $\mathbb{F}_3$?

Let $\mathbb{F}_3$ be the Hirzebruch surface (with index $3$) over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ and $\pi\!: \mathbb{F}_3 \to \mathbb{P}^1$ be the unique $\mathbb{P}^1$-fibration on $\mathbb{F}_3$. ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Holomorphic line bundles on arbitrary simplicial toric varieties as restrictions

In the question titled "Line bundles and vector bundles on $\mathbb P^1 \times \mathbb P^1$" it was explained how any holomorphic line bundle on $\mathbb P^1 \times \mathbb P^1$ is of the form $\...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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2-faces of reflexive Delzant polytopes

Question 1. Can a reflexive Delzant polytope of some dimension contain a $2$-face with more than $11$ edges? Motivation. I would like more generally to get an answer to the following question: ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Blow-ups of toric varieties

I'm interseted in blow-ups of toric varieties, unfortunately, I don't understand the construction of a blow-up built by a refinement of a fan, if to be more specific, I didn't find any constructions. ...
Marty Lee's user avatar
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Connection on line bundle over general simplicial toric variety

In, on page 60 and 61, it is mentioned that the connection of $\mathcal{O}(-n)$ over a (simplicial) toric variety of the form $$ (\mathbb{C}^N \backslash U)/(\...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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Can any simplicial toric variety be embedded in a product of projective spaces?

In this question - On a Hirzebruch surface. , the Hirzebruch surface is shown to be isomorphic to a hypersurface in $\mathbb{P}^1\times \mathbb{P}^2$. My question is, does such an isomorphism exist ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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8 votes
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Picard group of toric varieties

I am trying to understand how to obtain the Picard group for general toric varieties. So far, I have been using information found in . Here, a toric variety has ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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Number of boundary divisors and colors of a Spherical variety

Let $X$ be a Spherical variety for a reductive group $G$ with a Borel subgroup $B$. A boundary divisor of $X$ is a $G$-invariant divisor and a color of $X$ is a $B$-invariant divisor which is no $G$-...
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2 votes
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Locally toric resolutions of compactifications

Suppose $U$ is a smooth, open $n$-dimensional variety over $\mathbb{C}.$ Say $X, X'$ are two proper normal-crossings compactifications of $U$. Call a map $m: X'\to X$ a modification if it is an ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
7 votes
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Volume of $-K_X$ for a weighted projective variety

Let $X:=\mathbb P(a_0,a_1, \ldots, a_n)$ be a well formed weighted projective variety. Let $-K_X$ be its anticanonical divisor, then how to express its volume ${\rm vol}(-K_X)=(-K_X)^n$ in terms of $...
Li Yutong's user avatar
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When are these definitions of "toric variety" equivalent?

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. Let $X$ be an integral $k$-scheme, separated and of finite type over $k$. Let $d := \dim X$, let $T := (\mathbb{G}_{m,k})^{d}$ be the $d$-dimensional torus, ...
Minseon Shin's user avatar
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Toric Desingularization Algorithms

There are certainly many algorithms to desingularize toric varieties (e.g I would imagine in analogy with desingularizing surfaces these all involve blowing up ...
A. S.'s user avatar
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Examples of small covers that are not real toric manifolds

Definition of quasi toric manifolds : The action of $(S^1)^n$ on $\Bbb C^n$ by pointwise multiplication is called the standard representation. Given a manifold $M^{2n}$ with an $(S^1)^n$-action, a ...
R_D's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Is the Chow ring of a wonderful model for a hyperplane arrangement isomorphic to the singular cohomology ring?

In the article "Hodge theory for combinatorial geometries" by Adiprasito, Huh and Katz, it it claimed in the proof of theorem 5.12 that there is a Chow equivalence between the de Concini-Processi ...
user2520938's user avatar
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When is the blow-up of a closed sub-variety of a toric variety a toric variety?

If $ X $ is a toric variety and one has a closed sub-variety $ Y \subseteq X $, is the blow-up $ \operatorname{Bl}_{Y}(X) $ a toric variety as well? I suspect not, but wanted to check with other ...
schemer's user avatar
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Are rational varieties symplectically rationally connected?

Was it proven already that smooth rational complex projecitve varieties are symplectically rationally connected? I.e. some GW invariant with two point insertions is non zero. What about smooth toric ...
aglearner's user avatar
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When does a discrepant toric resolution induce a crepant resolution of a subvariety?

Let $Y$ be a complete intersection in a complete simplicial toric variety $X_\Sigma$ such that $\DeclareMathOperator{Sing}{Sing}\Sing(Y)\subset\Sing(X_\Sigma)$. Suppose that $\phi:X_{\widehat{\Sigma}}\...
Brian Fitzpatrick's user avatar
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Resolving $\mathbb Z_n$ action on $\mathbb C^2$

Consider a diagonal action of $\mathbb Z_n$ on $\mathbb C^2$ generated by $(z_1,z_2)\to (\mu^pz_1,\mu^qz_2)$, with $\mu^n=1$. Question. Is it always possible to find a smooth blow up $X\to \mathbb ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Relative canonical divisor associated to toric morphism induced by refinement of fan

Let $\phi:X'\to X$ be a morphism between toric varieties $X=X(\Delta), X'=X'(\Delta')$, induced by a refinement $\Delta'$ of $\Delta$. This refinement is obtained from a sequence of stellar ...
user2520938's user avatar
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Understanding projective space as fibrations of tori over spaces with boundaries

The toric manifold $\mathbb{CP}^1$ can be understood as a circle fibration over an interval $I$, with the circles having zero radius at the boundaries of the interval. How does one generalize this ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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Why are the toric fibers of a toric manifold Lagrangian submanifolds?

How does one know in general that the toric fibers of a Kahler toric manifold are Lagrangian submanifolds? I can roughly fathom this for e.g. a circle in $\mathbb{C}P^1$, but how about more general ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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toroidal compactifications of modulis spaces of ppav's

Are the modular toroidal compactifications of ppav's (second Voronoi) defined by Alexeev without self-intersections? i.e. are the irreducible component of the boundary divisor normal? If not, can one ...
cata's user avatar
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Relation between the number of maximal cones in a fan and the geometry of corresponding toric variety

It is well known that a (smooth complete) fan $\Delta$ corresponds to a (smooth proper) toric variety $X= X_\Delta$. My question is whether there is a relationship between the number of maximal cones ...
Kazuki  Sato's user avatar
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Toric variety defined by the Weyl orbit of a minuscule weight

Let $\Phi$ be a (reduced, crystallographic) root system with Weyl group $\mathcal{W}$, and $p$ a (nonzero) minuscule weight for $\Phi$: its orbit $\mathcal{W}p$ is the set of vertices of a convex ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Application of toric varieties for problems that do not mention them

I wonder whether there are problems whose statement do not mention toric varieties (nor simple polytopes, vanishing sets of binomials, etc.), but whose proof nicely and essentially uses them? To give ...
evgeny's user avatar
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Is there a "fundamental theorem of toric geometry"?

I have some questions about toric geometry. 1) Can any toric variety (I mean not necessarily smooth or projective, ...) be constructed from a fan ? 2) Suppose $T_1$ and $T_2$ are toric varieties ...
THC's user avatar
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Moment map for complete flags variety

Let $M:=U(n)/T^n$ be a complete flag variety, where $U(n)$ is an unitary group and $T^n \simeq (S^1)^n$ consists of its diagonal matrices. I have heard the following construction of a symplectic ...
evgeny's user avatar
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The boundary of toric varieties

Let $\mathcal{X}$ be a toric variety, with $T$ a torus embedded as an open set in $\mathcal{X}$ (and where the algebraic action of $T$ extends to $\mathcal{X}$). As I am not a toric specialist at all, ...
THC's user avatar
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Equivariant derived category versus graded derived category

Everything here has the Zariski topology. Let $T=(\Bbb{C}^*)^d$, and define an action of $T$ on $\Bbb{C}^n$ by $$t\cdot x=(t^{\mathbf{a}_1}x_1,\ldots, t^{\mathbf{a}_n}x_n).$$ Here $\mathbf{a}_1,\...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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How to calculate the top Chern class of a "functorial" vector bundle on a moduli space of sheaves?

Let $\mathcal M$ be a moduli space of sheaves on a nice variety $X$, with fixed rank $r$ and Chern classes $c_i$, semi-stable with respect to an ample bundle $H$. Let $E$ be a "functorial" vector ...
evgeny's user avatar
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Descent of flatness from algebras to monoids II

This is a follow-up question to this one. There, Benjamin Steinberg showed that a morphism of commutative monoids $u$ need not be flat if the induced morphism of $R$-algebras $R[u]$ is flat for some ...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Taking powers of polytopes

I am not sure this is a well framed question but I would like to know if anything like "taking the power" of a polytope is known. Imagine this situation where I want to think of such a thing : say ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Is there any structure theorem for piecewise linear functions?

I was wondering if such statements are known like "any piecewise linear function from $\mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ can be written as $\sum_{i=1}^k \alpha_i (\text{ some $2$ piece linear ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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13 votes
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Chow rings of smooth toric varieties

In his 1987 article The geometry of toric varieties Danilov gives a combinatorial presentation of Chow rings of complete smooth toric varietes. Given a complete unimodular fan $\Sigma$ we have $$ A^*(...
Christoph's user avatar
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In a nonsingular complex toric variety, is an algebraic cycle over a facet of the quotient polytope integral?

Let $X$ be a nonsingular complex toric variety with moment map $\mu : X \to P$ over a convex polytope $P$. Given a facet $F$ of $P$, its preimage $\mu^{-1}(F)$ is a complex codimension 1 subvariety of ...
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Projectively equivalent toric varieties

Say I have two normal lattice polytopes $P$ and $Q$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ (lattice $\mathbb{Z}^n$) with the same number of lattice points $N+1$. Then they define two toric varieties $X_P$ and $X_Q$ which ...
Rainer Sinn's user avatar
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A question about smooth convex lattice polygons

Let $P$ be a smooth convex lattice polygon in $\mathbb{R}^2$ (the lattice being $\mathbb{Z}^2$). Here smooth means that at any vertex of $P$, the two primitive integer vectors (i.e. vectors whose ...
Rémi Cr.'s user avatar
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Constructive Resolution of Toric Singularities via Model Theory

Do there exists some language $\mathcal{L}$ of rational polyhedral cones in rational vector spaces and a theory $T$ over $\mathcal{L}$ whose models $\mathcal{M}$ are resolutions of toric singularities?...
Joaquín Moraga's user avatar
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Toric structures on projective space

Consider the symplectic manifold $\mathbb P^n$ equipped with the Fubini-Study symplectic form $\omega$. Given $n+1$ "generic" points $z_0,\dots,z_n$ on $\mathbb P^n$, is there an effective Hamiltonian ...
Anon's user avatar
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Cohen-Macaulay non-normal toric variety

Given a quasi-smooth toric variety $X$ in the sense of Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky, i.e. a (not necessarily normal) toric variety $X$ whose normalization is a $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial toric variety and ...
Joaquín Moraga's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

When is $\mathbb C^d\setminus\mathcal Z$ simply connected?

Let $\Delta$ be a fan in the lattice $N\cong\mathbb Z^n$ with $d$ edges $\{\rho_1,\cdots,\rho_d\}$. Consider the co-ordinate ring $\mathbb C[x_1,\cdots,x_n]$. Let $\mathcal Z=\bigcup_C\mathcal V(x_i\ |...
R_D's user avatar
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Is there a relation between the singularities and the divisor class group of a simplicial toric variety

Let $\Delta$ be a simplicial fan in the lattice $N\cong\mathbb Z^n$ with $d$ edges and $\{u_1,\cdots,u_d\}$ are the primitive vectors along the edges. Let $A$ be the divisor class group of the ...
R_D's user avatar
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Clarification on the definition of a quotient singularity

I am working on the quotient construction of a simplicial toric variety as described in chapter 5 of this book. I have tried the following two examples - The fan $\Delta$ in $\mathbb R^2$ consists of ...
R_D's user avatar
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