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Distributions on the mirabolic subgroup which are left invariant to the unipotent radical

I'm trying to find a reference or a proof to the following statement used by Matringe, N., 2012. Cuspidal representations of GL (n, F) distinguished by a maximal Levi subgroup, with F a non-...
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Non-continuous group homomorphism from p-adic field to C*

Let $F$ be a p-adic field. A character on $F^\times$ is defined as a continuous group homomorphism $F^\times\longrightarrow\mathbb{C}^\times$. But is there any way to construct a non-continuous group ...
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Galois representation absolutely irreducible after restricting to open subgroup of finite index

Let $E$ and $F$ be finite extensions of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Let $\phi:\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{E}/E)\to GL_n(F)$ be an absolutely irreducible continuous representation. Assume that the restriction of $\phi$ ...
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Continuity of central character [closed]

Let $G$ be a $p$-adic reductive group and $Z\subseteq G$ the center. Let $\pi$ be an irreducible admissible representation of $G$. By Schur's lemma, it is easy to show that there is a group ...
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