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Double duality for "geometrically defined" graph imbeddings

I am studying imbeddings of (connected, undirected, unweighted, multi-)graphs on oriented surfaces of arbitrary genus, and I am searching for a reference for the statement that the dual of the dual ...
Nick Salter's user avatar
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(Cyclic) edge-connectivity for lifts of voltage graphs?

Can someone point me in the direction of what's known about edge connectivity (or, ideally, cyclic edge connectivity) of graphs which are lifts of voltage graphs? It seems like someone should have ...
Leah Wrenn Berman's user avatar
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Polyhedral embeddings of large face-width where all faces have the same length

Where can I find examples of polyhedral embeddings of simple graph with large face-width, such that all the faces have the same length? By polyhedral embedding I mean an embedding of the graph on a ...
valle's user avatar
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What is known about this generalization of planar dual?

So it is well known that given a planar graph, $G$, embedded in the plane (without edge crossing, so a planar embedding). One can construct the planar dual, $G^*$. What is perhaps slightly less well-...
Justin Benfield's user avatar