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Chromatic tiling complexity and the chromatic number conjecture

Let $T$ be a finite set of tiles in $\mathbb{R}^d$. A tiling of $\mathbb{R}^d$ by $T$ is a collection of disjoint translates of tiles in $T$ whose union is $\mathbb{R}^d$. A tiling is $k$-chromatic if ...
Vincenco Fedor's user avatar
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Construct by compactness (Pentagonal tiling – Rao paper)

In the (arXiv) paper, Exhaustive search of convex pentagons which tile the plane by Michael Rao, on page 4 under the proof of Lemma 2, it is said that: "… We keep a connected component $H_d'$ of $...
GingerBreadMan's user avatar
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Graph theory: Closed neighourhoods and generalized clustering coefficients

The neighbourhood of node $v$ in graph $G$ is the subgraph of $G$ induced by all vertices adjacent to $v$. The number of edges between neighbours divided by the number of pairs of neighbours is ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Distance spectra of uniform tilings

Let a uniform tiling be defined by a vertex configuration $(n_1.n_2.\cdots.n_k)^m$, which is either spherical, Euclidean or hyperbolic. Assume that the tiling is vertex-transitive, especially that ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Structures for random graphs with structure

Background[You may skip this and go immediately to the Definitions.] Crucial features of a (random) graph or network are: the degree distribution $p(d)$ (exponential, Poisson, or power law) the mean ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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3 answers

Can local flip moves connect dimer matchings on 'quadrangulated' planar bipartite graphs? (perfect matching reconfiguration problem)

I'm interested in the structure of dimer matchings on planar graphs with a bipartite structure. In particular, I'm interested in whether any two perfect matchings can be connected, i.e. transformed ...
Joe's user avatar
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Aperiodic graphs

The concepts of being non-periodic and aperiodic for tilings have obvious versions for connected graphs with a countable set of vertices and a finite number of edges meeting at each vertex. A graph $G$...
Jesús Álvarez's user avatar
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Unique domino tiling

Question: how does one enumerate all star-convex $2n$-vertex sublattices of the plane that have the unique domino-tiling property? Definitions: A subset $S$ of the $xy$-plane is star-convex if there ...
John Murray's user avatar
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21 votes
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Monomer-Dimer tatami tilings need better relationships with other math. Summary of results

A monomer-dimer tiling of a rectangular grid with $r$ rows and $c$ columns satisfies the tatami condition if no four tiles meet at any point. (Or you can think of it as the removal of a matching from ...
Alejandro Erickson's user avatar
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Representing groups with two generators as graph automorphisms

Suppose we have a group $G$ which can be generated by two elements $x$, $y$. Call $H$, $K$, $L$ the subgroups of $G$ generated by $x$, $y$ and $y^{-1}x^{-1}$, respectively. With these data, we can ...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar