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Central isogeny, Shimura varieties and exceptional cases

For a simple complex Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$, its weight lattice is not equal to the root lattice (i.e. the center of its simply connected form is a non-trivial finite group) iff $\mathfrak g$ is of ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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Locally symmetric spaces dependence on number field

A special case of locally symmetric spaces is the moduli space of abelian varieties of a given dimension $g$ (over a given base field $k$), lets call it $\mathcal{A}_g$ and is a $k$-scheme. For any ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Image of tori in locally symmetric spaces and homology

Suppose we have a reductive group $G$ over $\mathbb{Q}$, a compact subgroup of the adelic points $K_f\subset G(\mathbb{A}_{\mathbb{Q}})$, and the associated locally symmetric space $$Y_K := G(\mathbb{...
xir's user avatar
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Covolumes of unit groups of division algebras

Let $D$ be a central division (or maybe just simple) algebra over $\mathbb{Q}$. Let $\mathcal{O} \subset \mathcal{O}_m$ be an order inside a fixed maximal order and denote by $\mathcal{O}^1$ its group ...
Radu T's user avatar
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Dependence of X in definition of Shimura variety

(Disclaimer: this question is related to this question, but is different enough that it warrants (in my opinion) a separate question) Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over $\mathbb{Q}$. To $G$ ...
rleigh's user avatar
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Upper bounds for lattice points in orbits, and representations of binary quadratic forms

Write $\mathbb{Z}^{a\times b}$ for the $a\times b$ integer matrices. Let $n\geq 3$ and $Q\in\mathbb{Z}^{n\times n}$. Let $G=O(Q)$ be the orthogonal group of $Q$. For $X_0\in \mathbb{Z}^{2\times n}$, ...
Simon L Rydin Myerson's user avatar
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An explicit description of neighborhoods of the rank 2 boundary in the Satake Compactification of $\mathbf{A}_2$

My Motivation: I'm having a hard time following the description of the topology in the Satake Compactification of locally symmetric spaces. The group theory is something I'm finding a bit tricky to ...
jacob's user avatar
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Volume of arithmetic quotients of symmetric spaces

Now let $\textbf{G}$ be some connected semisimple linear algebraic group over a number field $F$. Let $G_{\infty}$ be $\textbf{G}(\mathbb{R}\otimes_{\mathbb{Q}} F)$. Let $K_{\infty}$ be a maximal ...
MathStudent's user avatar