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Questions tagged [symmetric-groups]

The symmetric group $S_n$ is the group of permutations of the set of integers $\{1,\dots,n\}$. This has $n!$ elements and is generated by the $n-1$ involutions exchanging consecutive integers. The symmetric groups form the simplest family of Coxeter groups.

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5 votes
1 answer

sum of the character of the symmetric group

Suppose $\mu$ is a fixed partition of $n$ of length $l(\mu)$, and I was encountered with the following sum, namely $\sum_{\nu} \chi_{\nu}(\mu)$. I did some calculation using the character table that ...
8 votes
1 answer

What is a Specht module?

I'm studying the structure of the Specht module for $S_n$ and I would like to know if there is some generalizations of this structure for Weyls groups or Coxeter groups. Also, I'm interest to know ...
7 votes
1 answer

Decomposition of induced representations in S_n

Let C be a cyclic subgroup of S_n. How does the representation $Ind_C^{S_n}\rho$, where $\rho$ is some representation of $C$, decompose into irreducible components? Is there are a way to know which ...
6 votes
2 answers

Double coset representatives and structure of hecke algebras

Let $GL_n(F_q)$ be the general linear group over finite field $F_q$ and $B_n$ be its borel subgroup consisting of all upper triangular matrices. Then the double cosets $B_n\backslash GL_n(F_q)/B_n$ ...
15 votes
2 answers

Branching rule from symmetric group $S_{2n}$ to hyperoctahedral group $H_n$

Embed the hyperoctahedral group $H_n$ into the symmetric group $S_{2n}$ as the centralizer of the involution $(1, 2) (3, 4) \cdots (2n-1, 2n)$ (cycle notation). Label representations of $S_{2n}$ by ...
3 votes
1 answer

Decompositions for Symmetric Groups

I'm looking for information about how representations of $S_n$ decompose under restriction. I know about the branching rule: That is, in characteristic 0, irreducible modules $L(\lambda)$ for $S_n$ ...
13 votes
2 answers

How ugly is the isomorphism R[GxH] = R[G] (X) R[H] for groups G, H?

Clearly, when $G$ and $H$ are two finite groups, and $V$ and $W$ are two representations of $G$ and $H$, respectively, then $V\otimes W$ is a representation of the group $G\times H$. It is a well-...
2 votes
0 answers

Function recursion relation over symmetric group

Hi! Let P be a permutation in the symmetric group SN and let π=πj, j+1 be a transposition of elements j and j+1 of the permutation. Let A(P) be a function in dependence of the permutation P. P&...
1 vote
1 answer

Hankel determinants of symmetric functions

The starting point is that it is known that the Hankel determinants for the Catalan sequence give the number of nested sequences of Dyck paths. I would like to promote this to symmetric functions. ...
5 votes
1 answer

What is a concomitant (and other questions on D.E. Littlewood's "Products and plethysms of characters with orthogonal, symplectic, and symmetric groups" )?

I'm trying to understand the paper "Products and plethysms of characters with orthogonal, symplectic, and symmetric groups" by D.E. Littlewood (link), but I'm having trouble overcoming the language ...
2 votes
2 answers

Algebraic structures at hypernatural parameters

Let's start with some family of algebraic structures of the same type indexed by the natural numbers, say the symmetric group $S_n$. Suppose that the axioms of this algebraic structure (in this case, ...
7 votes
1 answer

Explicit computation of induced modules of semidirect products with the symmetric group

I've gotten stuck in a project I have been working on, essentially on the following combinatorial question about the symmetric group. One can obtain a 1-dimensional representation $M^n_c$ of the ...

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