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Link between Extended Supergauge Group and Twistor Theory

In a 1974 paper on supergauge transformations in four dimensions, Wess and Zumino considered an extended supergauge group which contains the conformal group as a subgroup. An interesting thing about ...
Hollis Williams's user avatar
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Superspace derivation of supersymmetric non-linear sigma model in Supersolutions by Deligne and Freed

I am having a little trouble understanding passage from the linear to the non-linear sigma model in Section 4.1 of Supersolutions by Deligne and Freed. Most of my confusion comes down to the ...
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Supersymmetric SYK Model in 3D?

In a 2017 article More on supersymmetric and 2d analogs of the SYK model by Murugan, Stanford and Witten, the authors take a model called the SYK model (named after Sachdev, Ye and Kitaev) and study ...
Hollis Williams's user avatar
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What is a BPS state and why is it the cohomology of a moduli space?

The notion of a BPS state has existed in physics for a long time: I do not understand it completely, but I get the impression they are the supersymmetric analogue of ground states, and then physicists ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Chain rule for the superderivative

A one dimensional complex supermanifold $X$ is locally described by an ordinary complex coordinate $z$ and an anticommuting coordinate $\theta$, $\theta^2 = 0$. The superderivative is the square root ...
user's user avatar
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Supersymmetry charge $Q$ as anti-linear and anti-unitary operator

We know the supersymmetry (SUSY) charge $Q$ satisfies the following relation respect to fermion parity operator $(-1)^F$: $$ (-1)^F Q + Q (-1)^F :=\{Q, (-1)^F \} =0 $$ which defines the anti-...
wonderich's user avatar
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References for superhomology

This question concerns topological string theory. It was known sice its outset, that the BRST-cohomology ("observables") of the weakly coupled topological string B-model on a Calabi-Yau ...
Ramiro Hum-Sah's user avatar
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Sufficient conditions for unitarity of a representation of a Lie Superalgebra

Suppose we have a Lie superalgebra with triangular decomposition: \begin{equation} \mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{g}^{+} \oplus \mathfrak{g}^{0} \oplus \mathfrak{g}^{-} \end{equation} I've seen it stated ...
dz16's user avatar
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The Grassmannian Gr(2,8) and an E7 surprise

Are there any mathematical explanations for the following surprising facts? $$\int_{Gr(2,8)} c_{\text{top}}(TX(-2)) = 6556 = \frac{1}{2} \deg(E_7/P(\alpha_7)) + 1,$$ and $$\int_{Gr(2,6)} c_{\text{top}}...
Richard Eager's user avatar
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Branching from $E(6)$ to $SO(10) \times U(1)$

In $E(6)$ inspired models of supersymmetry, the inclusion of Lie subgroups $$ SO(10) \times U(1) \hookrightarrow E_6 $$ is important object of interest. See here for my motivating example. In ...
Nadia SUSY's user avatar
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Question on Witten’s paper “Supersymmetry and Morse theory”

EDIT. I am trying to read the article “Supersymmetry and Morse theory” by E. Witten (JDG 17 (1982)). This well known article applies some tools developed by physicists (e.g. path integrals) to ...
asv's user avatar
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Localization principle in integration over supermanifolds

This post is closely related to the post Localization principle in supersymmetry and can be considered as a continuation of it, although independent. In § 9.3 of the book "Mirror symmetry" (K. Hori ...
asv's user avatar
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Geometric or conceptual way to understand supersymmetry algebra

Is there any geometric or more direct conceptual way to understand a supersymmetry algebra, rather than starting from a Lagrangian including boson and fermion fields, deriving all the expressions ...
Hao Yu's user avatar
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Supermanifolds — elementary introduction?

I am looking for an elementary but mathematically precise introductory text on supermanifolds in a modern differential geometric setting. Elementary in the sense that there is plenty of motivation for ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
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How do you get the spectral curve from a Calabi-Yau?

In N=2 Quantum Field Theories and Their BPS Quivers by Alim, Cecotti, Córdova, Espahbodi, Rastogi and Vafa the authors give a recipe which constructs from a pair $(C,\phi)$ consisting of a Riemann ...
Steve's user avatar
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Witten index non-trivial in the context of Quantum Mechanics?

Let $H$ be a self-adjoint Hamiltonian and $H$ admits a decomposition into closed operators $D,D^*$, such that we have $H = D^*D$. I will now consider the one-dimensional case on a compact set: So ...
Christian Schäfer's user avatar
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Is there a version of supersymmetry for homogeneous spaces?

The notion of "supersymmetry" that I am aware of proceeds as follows. One fixes a spacetime $\mathbb R^n$ and signature; I will write $\mathrm{SO}(n)$ for the corresponding group of orthogonal ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
9 votes
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Matrix-tree theorem via supersymmetry (i.e. Grassman algebras)

The matrix-tree theorem states the number of spanning trees of a graph $G$ is equal to a modified determinant of the adjacency matrix or "graph Laplacian", $\Delta_G$: $$\#\{ \text{spanning ...
john mangual's user avatar
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