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Irreducible representations of $\mathfrak{sl}(m|n)$

It is well known that the irreducible representations of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}(n)$ are symmetric powers of a vector space of dimension $n$. This can be viewed for instance using Young ...
User43029's user avatar
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Cohomology algebra of the maximal nilpotent subalgebra of a semisimple Lie algebra

The answer to this question may be well-known, but I failed to locate it in any obvious source. From the results of Bott (Ann. Math. 66 (1957), 203-248) and Kostant (Ann. Math. 74 (1961), 329-387), it ...
Vladimir Dotsenko's user avatar
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Non-graded representations over Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak{gl}(m,n)$

I have the following questions: Let $m,n$ be positive integers. Consider representations over the general linear Lie super-algebra $\mathfrak{gl}(m,n)$. Namely, modules over the associative algebra $U(...
GuNa's user avatar
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Does some version of U_q(gl(1|1)) have a basis like Lusztig's basis for \dot{U(sl_2)}?

There's a non-unital algebra $\dot{U}$ formed from $U_q (sl_2)$ by including a system of mutually orthogonal idempotents $1_n$, indexed by the weight lattice. You can think of this as a category with ...
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