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Dealing with noise that is white in time, colored in space numerically

I am broadly working on a dynamic process where we want to see how a field $\rho(r)$ changes in space in time with thermal noise. The system is biased around a thermodynamic saddle point dictated by $...
Yhtomit's user avatar
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Convergence rate estimates of Monte-Carlo first-passage time estimates

Setup Let $X_t$ be a $d$-dimensional diffusion process solving the Ito-stochastic differential equation $$ X_t = x+ \int_0^t f(X_t,u_t)dt + \int_0^t \sigma dW_t, $$ where $x \in \mathbb{R}^d$, $u_t$ ...
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Analytic Solution to SDEs

Are there any example of SDEs with constant diffusion terms, other than the Ornstein Uhlenbeck process, which have exact solutions? I'm thinking of something of the form: \begin{equation} dX_t = f(...
user2379888's user avatar
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Parameter estimation for stochastic differential equation from discrete observations

Suppose we have a time-series $x(t_i)$ at discrete times $t_i$ and we want to estimate the parameters of an underlying SDE corresponding to this time-series: $$dx_t = f(x_t,\theta)dt + \sigma(x_t,\...
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