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Multiple Wiener integral as Witt polynomial of Brownian motion

I know that if i have a Brownian motion $W_t$ the multiple Wiener integral $\int_0^t \int_0^{\xi_1}...\int_0^{\xi_n} dW_{\xi_1}...dW_{\xi_n}$ can be expressed as $H_n(\int_0^t dW_s)$ where $H_n$ is ...
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On Riemann integration of stochastic processes of order $p$

Let $x:[a,b]\times\Omega\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ be a stochastic process, where $\Omega$ is the sample space from an underlying probability space. Let $L^p$ be the Lebesgue space of random variables on $...
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Derivative with respect to initial condition for the solution of an SDE

Suppose we have an SDE (assuming the Lipschitz continuous conditions required for the existence of the solution): \begin{align} dX_t = \mu(X_t,t)dt + \sigma(X_t,t)dW_t \end{align} and define its ...
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Inflated independent samples for Monte Carlo estimation

In my particular problem, running an MCMC is too expensive, so I'm looking for a simple MC estimator, which would partially inherit the correlated samples of MCMC, yet would not require computing ...
Anton's user avatar
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Distribution of "occupation times" of Brownian Motion

Let $B_t(\omega)$ be a standard Brownian motion and let $A\in\mathcal{B}(\mathbb R)$ be a Borel set. I would like to find the distribution of $$Y_A(\omega):=\lambda(\{t\in[0,1]:B_t(\omega)\in A\})=\...
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