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Properties of the induced map between inertia stacks

Let $\mathcal X$ and $\mathcal Y$ be (separated) Deligne-Mumford stacks. A morphism of stacks $f:\mathcal X \to \mathcal Y$ induces a morphism between inertia stacks $\tilde f:I\mathcal X \to I\...
H. Shindoh's user avatar
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étalé space of sheaves on a differentiable stack

If $F$ is a sheaf on a topological space $X$, the well-known étalé space contruction gives rise to a bundle $\Gamma F$ on $X$ such that $F$ is isomorphic to the sheaf of sections of $\Gamma F$. On ...
D. Stefani's user avatar
4 votes
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Intrinsic Characterization of when an orbifold (or more general stack) is effective?

Recall that an orbifold is an etale and proper differentiable stack $X$. Etale means that it admits an etale atlas $M \to X$ from a manifold $M$ (which is to say it is represented by an etale Lie ...
David Carchedi's user avatar