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Extending Tannakian "dictionary" to gerbes

The following is Proposition 2.21 in Deligne and Milne's "Tannakian Categories". Let $f: G \to G'$ be a homomorphism of affine group schemes over a field $k$ and let $\omega^f$ be the ...
bsbb4's user avatar
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Quotient of a quotient stack: interesting examples?

Let $X$ be a scheme acted on by an algebraic group $G$. Also, let $H$ be an algebraic group acting on the quotient stack $X/G$, for the definition of "act", see Romagny - Group Actions on ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Does Borel fixed-point theorem hold for Deligne-Mumford stacks?

Let $X$ be a proper Deligne-Mumford stack over $\mathbb{C}$ with an action by a complex torus $T$. Let $X^T$ denote the fixed locus. Question: Is the following statement true? ...
Chi Hong Chow's user avatar
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When quotient stacks (for nonsmooth group) are algebraic and related questions

Let $k$ be a field. Consider a group $k$-scheme $G$ and let $X$ be a $k$-scheme equipped with an action of $G$. Then one can define the quotient stack $[X/G]$. Objects of $[X/G]$ over $k$-scheme $T$ ...
Slup's user avatar
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basic question on quotient stacks

Let $X$ be a scheme over $S$, and $G$ be an affine group scheme over $S$ acting on $X$. This Wikipedia article (or also this related MO question) defines a quotient stack $[X/G]$ as a category of ...
quasi-mathematician's user avatar
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Limit of quotient stacks

Let $k$ be a field (we can set it to be either perfect or algebraically closed if necessary), let $G$ be a (split) reductive group over $k$. Let $(X_i)$ be a filtered projective system of finite type $...
Arnaud ETEVE's user avatar
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Reduction of structure group for stacks

Consider an action of a smooth linear algebraic group $G$ on a variety $X$ over an arbitrary field $k$, and the quotient stack $[X/G]$. Let $p$ be a $k$-point of $X$. If the action is transitive (i.e. ...
Kabim's user avatar
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Commutative group algebraic spaces

Is the category of commutative group algebraic spaces (commutative group objects in algebraic spaces) locally of finite type over a field, an abelian category? I would benefit from a reference
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Open/closed immersion and quotient stacks

I'm quite new to stacks, so this might be very easy. In particular, if there is a canonical reference I can consult for these things, please feel free to point it out. Let $f:X\to Y$ be a $G$-...
A Rock and a Hard Place's user avatar
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Smooth algebraic stacks with precisely two $\mathbb C$-objects

In my quest of "understanding" stacks, I recently tried to figure out the structure of a smooth algebraic stack of finite type $\mathcal X$ over $\mathbb C$ with affine diagonal and precisely one $\...
Christian's user avatar
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Are Picard stacks group objects in the category of algebraic stacks

I've been wondering about what a "group algebraic stack" should be, and ran into the notion of a Picard stack. I'm slightly confused by the terminology here. Given an algebraic stack $\mathcal X$ ...
Christian's user avatar
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The stack of group algebraic spaces

The fibred category $\mathcal A$ of algebraic spaces over a scheme $S$ is a stack (over the category of affine schemes with the etale topology). This is proved in Laumon and Moret-Bailly's book (see (...
Stacky student's user avatar
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Picard group of classifying stack

Suppose $S$ is a scheme, and $G$ a smooth $S$-group scheme. Then there exists an algebraic stack BG called the classifying stack of $G$, defined as the quotient stack $[S/G]$ where $G$ acts trivially ...
Bear's user avatar
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Pulling back quasi-coherent sheaves from a quotient stack

In a problem I am trying to solve, the following situation occurs. $X$ is a smooth variety and $G$ is a reductive group acting transitively on $X$. We have the stack $X/G$ and a morphism $\pi : X \to ...
Daniel Barter's user avatar
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Quasi-coherent sheaves on classifying stacks

Let $G$ be a smooth group scheme over some base $S$. Then we have the $S$-stack $BG$ whose $T$-points are the $G$-torsors on $T$. Under which conditions do we have $\mathsf{Qcoh}(BG) \simeq \mathrm{...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Smooth map to the stack of G-bundles

Let $G$ a semisimple group and $B$ a Borel subgroup. We denote by $Bun_{G}$ the stack of G-bundles. Is it true that a certain open subset $Bun_{B,r}$ maps smoothly to $Bun_{G}$? My question comes ...
prochet's user avatar
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Recovering classical Tannaka duality from Lurie's version for geometric stacks

In Lurie's paper Tannaka Duality for Geometric Stacks, it is essentially shown that specifying a morphism of geometric objects $$ f \colon X \to Y$$ is equivalent to giving a corresponding pullback ...
Will's user avatar
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Does every morphism BG-->BH come from a homomorphism G-->H?

Given a homomorphism f:G→H between smooth algebraic groups, we get an induced homomorphism of algebraic stacks Bf:BG→BH, given by sending a G-torsor P over a scheme X to the H-torsor PxGH, ...
Anton Geraschenko's user avatar
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algebraic group G vs. algebraic stack BG

I've gathered that it's "common knowledge" (at least among people who think about such things) that studying a (smooth) algebraic group G, as an algebraic group, is in some sense the same as studying ...
Anton Geraschenko's user avatar