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7 votes
0 answers

Example of a groupoid internal to the category of smooth manifolds that is not a Lie groupoid

This questions is about the distinction between: Lie groupoids: we require source and target maps to be submersions. This implies that the domain of the composition map, $G_1 \;{}_s\!\times_t G_1$, ...
7 votes
3 answers

Is there a "geometric" language that describes the equivalence groupoid of a foliated manifold?

Sitting on the couch in my office is a certain groupoid. It's waiting for me to say something to it. My problem is that I don't know its language. My question here is for some suggestions. Here, ...
8 votes
0 answers

What are the Newton groupoids from Drinfeld's paper on the Grinberg-Kazhdan theorem?

The paper the Grinberg-Kazhdan formal arc theorem and the Newton groupoids by Drinfeld seems to contain many interesting things which are beyond me. For now, I am trying to get some intuition for the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Gluing together together differentiable stacks

I am trying to figure out the conditions under which you can glue together a collection of (differentiable) stacks by equivalences, and get a differentiable stack. More precisely, I have a collection ...