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Questions tagged [stability]

Stability theory, including global stability (in dynamical systems, where it can notably be used in combination with ds.dynamical-systems)

81 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why study Bogomolov's T-Stability

Bogomolov introduced the notion of $T$-stability. I know that such stability does not sit in the category of canonical metrics on vector bundles. We know that if a vector bundle admits a Hermitian-...
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Hrushovski's proof of the Manin-Mumford Conjecture

For my master's thesis, I am studying Hrushovski's model-theoretic proof of the Manin-Mumford Conjecture. Among the references I have used are the following: Lecture notes 'Model Theory of Difference ...
Lhavinia's user avatar
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Bogomolov–Miyaoka–Yau inequality for minimal varieties with intermediate Kodaira dimension $0<\kappa (X)<\dim X$

From the differential geometric proof of Yau and the algebraic proof of Miyaoka for minimal varieties of general type $\kappa (X)=\dim X$, we know that $$(-1)^nc_1^n(X)\leq (-1)^n\frac{2(n+1)}{n} c_1^...
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Stability and capacity, error in the book of Adams-Hedberg?

I am struggling to understand the proof from the book of Adams and Hedberg, "Function spaces and potential theory". It seems to me that there is a serious flaw, and moreover, the statement is ...
user109433's user avatar
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Projective unitary flat structures of $\mathbb{P}^1$-bundles on Riemann surfaces

Narasimhan and Seshadri proved a rather surprising result about vector bundles on a compact connected complex manifold $X$. That is Two holomorphic vector bundles arising from unitary representations ...
swalker's user avatar
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Basin of attraction of gradient flow

Suppose we have a compact Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$, and a Morse function $f : M \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$. Suppose we consider the gradient flow generated by this function, i.e. $$\dot{x_t} = - \...
Rikimaru's user avatar
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Bundles as Extensions and Jump Phenomena

Let $C$ be a Riemann Surface of genus $g \geq 2$. Consider a Vector Bundle of rank $r$ and degree $d$ on $C$. It is often convenient to construct such a Vector Bundle as an extension \begin{equation} ...
Aswin's user avatar
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How to derive explicit bound for the solution of following equation?

Let's have equation $$ y''(t) + \left(\frac{3}{16t^{2}} + \frac{a}{t} -\frac{b}{t^{\frac{5}{4}}}cos(2t)\right)y(t) = 0, \quad t \in (1, \infty), \quad a, b > 0 $$ How to derive explicit upper bound ...
PhysiXxx's user avatar
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Elementary proof Hilbert-Mumford stability criterion for $\operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{C})$

In An elementary proof of the Hilbert-Mumford criterion, B. Sury gives an elementary proof of the Hilbert-Mumford semi-stability criterion for $G = \operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{C})$ (and $G = \...
Libli's user avatar
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The logistic elliptic equation

Studying the Fisher-KPP evolution equation I came across the steady state elliptic problem which can be written in the following form: $$ \begin{cases} -d\Delta Y(x)=r(x)Y(x)\left (1-\dfrac{Y(x)}{K(x)}...
Bogdan's user avatar
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KAM stable orbits are smooth

I'm in my final year of my undergraduate studies doing work on modelling the n-body problem numerically and I also have some interest in theoretical guarantees. Now, I've been looking for a theorem ...
Aidan Rocke's user avatar
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Conservation laws for modified Degasperis-Procesi equation

It is known that the Korteweg-de Vries equation $$u_{t}+uu_{x}+u_{xxx} = 0,$$ with $u=u(x,t)$ smooth and with period equal to $L$, has important conservation laws, namely, $$E(u)=\frac{1}{2}\int_{0}^{...
Darós's user avatar
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well-posedness of the transport equation

I asked this question before on math exchange but did not have any luck with an answer. I would like to consider a simple example but get a thorough understanding of the theory behind it. I am ...
Kamil's user avatar
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Stability of a nonlinear dynamical system with non-elementary dynamics

I am trying to prove stability and get a non-asymptotic upper bound on the convergence rate of a nonlinear discrete-time dynamical system, whose dynamics are stated in terms of the (non-elementary) ...
mtcrawshaw's user avatar
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Stability of indefinitely damped mechanical system with diagonal stiffness

I'm trying to find conditions for the asymptotic stability of the following linear system, \begin{equation} \mathbf{I \ddot{x}} + \mathbf{B \dot{x}} + \mathbf{K x} = 0 \end{equation} given the ...
Shivang Rawat's user avatar
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Which invertible linear maps preserve the set of Hurwitz stable matrices?

Let $V = M_n(\mathbb{R})$ be the set of all $n\times n$ matrices with real elements and $V_{-}$ be a subset of Hurwitz stable matrices, i.e. matrices such that all their eigenvalues have strictly ...
Fiktor's user avatar
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Asymptotic behaviors of equilibrium points of a switching SDE with Levy jumps?

Consider the following paper titled: Stochastic regime switching SIR model driven by Lévy noise, authored by Yingjia Guo. Link: The ...
Math's user avatar
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Uniform stability of linear operators - reference request

Let $T$ be a bounded linear operator on a complex Banach space $X$. I am looking for a reference for the following result: Theorem 1. Let $p \in [1,\infty]$. The following assertions are equivalent: (...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
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Part 2: When does the maximal root of this polynomial have unit magnitude? Prove an inverse linear relation between parameters

Examine the polynomial $$ x^{\tau+1}-\left(1+m\right)x^{\tau}+mx^{\tau-1}+\left(1-m\right)\alpha=0\,. $$ with positive parameters $\tau,\alpha$ and $m<1$, and denote $\left|x_{\max}\left(\tau,\...
Daniel Soudry's user avatar
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conditions for asymptotic comparison to hold

I have the following simple dynamical system: \begin{align} x_1' &= a - f(x_2)x_1\\ x_2' &= bx_1 - cx_2, \end{align} where all parameters and initial conditions are positive. $f(x_2)$ is a ...
Paichu's user avatar
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Asymptotic stability of eigenvalues by compact perturbations

I need some references concerning the asymptotic stability of eigenvalues by compact perturbations. In [T. Kato, Perturbation theory for linear operators] there are some results concerning stability ...
Appliqué's user avatar
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Fujita decomposition versus Zariski decomposition

Fujita decomposition: Let $\frak \pi : X \to B$ be a fibration of a compact Kahler manifold $\frak X$ over a projective curve $\frak B$ then $\pi_*\left(K_{\frak X/B}\right)=A\oplus B$ where $A$ is ...
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Direct limit of coherent sheaves and semi-stability

Let $R$ be a discrete valuation ring, $\{B_i\}_{i\in I}$ be an inductive system of $R$-algebras of finite type and $B$ the direct limit of the inductive system. Let $X$ be a regular, projective scheme,...
Ron's user avatar
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Choosing a group action to do GIT of hypersurfaces

When studying GIT stability of hypersurfaces $d$ of $\mathbb P^n$ we look at the Hilbert Scheme $H=\mathbb P^N$ parametrizing homogeneous polynomials $f_d(x_0,\ldots,x_n)$ of degree $d$. There is ...
John's user avatar
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Ampleness on the P^1 bundle over Siegel threefold

I am looking at the Shimura variety for $\mathrm{GSp}_4(\mathbb Q)$, with hyperspecial level structure at $p$. Let $X$ denote the special fiber over $\mathbb F_p$. For simplicity, let us pretend ...
Liang Xiao's user avatar
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Characterization of multifunctions with globally asymptotically stable minimal invariant sets

Let $(X, d)$ be a compact connected metric space. Consider a compact-valued upper semicontinuous multifunction $F: X \rightrightarrows X$. The reachable set $R[x]$ of $F$ from $x\in X$ is defined as: ...
David Dai's user avatar
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Stability on manifold with boundary

Let $(X,\partial X)$ a smooth Kahler manifold with boundary, i.e. the interior of $X$ is Kahler, Donaldson proved that: Given a smooth vector bundle $E$ over $X$ such that $E$ is holomorphic over the ...
TaiatLyu's user avatar
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Identifying bifurcation

[![enter image description here]] 1]1I am trying to analyze the bifurcation of a 3D continuous model. For a certain range of parameter values, the origin is always an unstable point, whereas the ...
SHR's user avatar
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Where can I find resources for a paper "Stability analysis of a novel DDE of HIV CD4+ T-cells"?

I am currently working on a the paper [NND]: Question: On page 4, equation 6 introduces a concept related to the infection rate within the context of the HIV model. Unfortunately, the paper does not ...
Furdzik Zbignew's user avatar
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Rotation number for multicomponent Schrödinger equation

Rotation number for Schrödinger equation of the form \begin{equation} -x''(t) +q(t) x(t) = E x(t) \end{equation} was defined in R. Johnson J. Moser "The rotation number for almost periodic ...
0x11111's user avatar
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Two notions of stability

Let $Q$ be a finite quiver (i.e. an oriented graph). A representation of $Q$ is by definition a module over the path algebra of $Q$. More concretely, a representation associates to every vertex $v \in ...
Laurent Cote's user avatar
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Stability test for LTV systems by differential Lyapunov inequalities

Consider a linear time-varying system: \begin{equation} \dot x(t) = A(t) x(t), \tag{$*$} \end{equation} where $A(t)$ is a time-varying block matrix defined as $$ A(t) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & I\\ -\...
Evan's user avatar
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Asking for results on critical points and similar properties of solutions of nonlinear Volterra integral equations - Physically coherent solutions

I have a system of nonlinear Volterra integral equations of form $$x(t)=x_0+\int_0^t K(t,s)F(x(s))ds$$ and I am interested on the critical points of $x(t)$, I mean maximum, minimum, increasing and ...
Quiet_waters's user avatar
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Center-stable manifold theorem on manifold with boundary

I would like to see if there is a Center-stable manifold theorem on the phase space that is a manifold with boundary. Suppose $f:M\rightarrow M$ is a diffeomorphism, according to Theorem III.7 in "...
Xiiao's user avatar
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(1, 2) stability and Hausdorff dimension

Recall that a set $E \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ is called (1,2) stable if it satisfies the following: $$ W_0^{1,2}(E) = W_0^{1,2}(E^0), $$ where $E^0$ is the interior of $E$ and $W_0^{1,2}(E)$ is defined ...
user109433's user avatar
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Is it possible to find an upper bound and a lower bound for $(f(\xi)-f(\tilde{\xi}))^T(\frac{\partial f}{\partial \xi}(\bar{\xi}))(\xi-\tilde{\xi})$?

For a system engineering problem I have to solve the problem below, but since I am not a mathematician, I am not sure if I have enough knowledge to solve it. Problem definition: Let $f(\xi) \in \...
seaver's user avatar
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Strong stability of the wave equation with time depending potential

It is well known that the wave equation with frictional damping $$\eqalign{ & {y_{tt}} = {y_{xx}} - a(t,x){y_t}{\text{ }}{\text{,(t}}{\text{,x)}} \in {\text{ }}(0,\infty ) \times (0,1) \cr ...
Gustave's user avatar
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Stability of dynamical system via Lyapunov

I have a dynamical system which has the following form: $\dot x=\mathcal F_1(m_1)x+\mathcal F_2(m_2)x$. My objective is to find the parameters $m_1$ and $m_2$ via LMI (linear matrix inequality) using ...
khallouq abdelmounaim's user avatar
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Exponential Convergence Under a Lyapunov-Like Assumption

Consider $V=\mathbb{R}^d\times\mathbb{R}^n$ with coordinate $x^T=[\theta^T,\sigma^T]$. I have an ODE of the form: $\dot{x}=F(x)$, where $F$ is assumed to be sufficiently smooth. Suppose that there's ...
Miel Sharf's user avatar
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Stochastic stability of "open" continuous-time stochastic systems: reference request

I'm looking for results on the stability of stochastic systems, e.g. SDEs, whose coefficients depend on a different process that is not necessarily stable. I'm calling those systems "open" here, but ...
S.Surace's user avatar
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Showing positive stability of a matrix constructed from a positive matrix

A is a positive nonsingular matrix. Let $s>\rho(A)$. We want to show that $B\equiv\left(A^{T}A\right)^{-1}\left(sI-A^{T}\right)$ is a positive stable matrix, i.e., all eigenvalues of this matrix ...
Gary's user avatar
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How to analyse the stability of hyperbolic balance laws with diffusion?

Assume we have the following system of balance laws: $$ U_t+\partial_x F(U,x)=S(U,x)+\partial_x(D(U,x)U_x). $$ Is there any method to analyse the stability of its solution (assume that the solution ...
Hamed's user avatar
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Stability Problem in a Nonlinear Dynamical System

Consider the nonlinear dynamical system given by the following differential equations \begin{cases} \dot{x} = y, \\ \dot{y} = x - x^3 - \gamma y + \delta x^2 y. \end{cases} I want to demonstrate that, ...
felcove's user avatar
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Stability of Euler discretization

I am looking at the discretization of an ODE: $$x_{n+1} = x_n + \alpha f(x_n),$$ where $x_n\in R^d$ and $f$ is continuously differentiable and such that $f(0)=0$ and $f'(0)$ is Hurwitz (i.e., the real ...
N. Gast's user avatar
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The Frobenius integrability of distrbution and Hyers–Ulam–Rassias stability

Let $M$ be a compact Riemannian manifold. The norm of vector fields are computed with respect to the metric. Moreover for every distribution $D$, the orthogonal projection on $D$ is ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Identifying Saddle-node bifurcation of a 3D system of ODEs

I am trying to understand and prove the results shown in the following article. However, I am stuck at a point where it is stated that saddle-node bifurcation of periodic orbits occurs at ...
SHR's user avatar
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On Designing Some Optimal Control Problems

In the context of a dynamical systems, some states may not be attainable with scalar controls from $L^1(0,T)$, but they may be reachable with feedback controls. If we know that the system is null ...
elmas's user avatar
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Basin of attraction comparative statics* using local energy functions?

Let $\dot{\boldsymbol{x}}=\boldsymbol{F}(\boldsymbol{x};p)$ be an autonomous dynamical system defined on $[a,b]^n$ ($-\infty<a<B<\infty)$; $p\in\mathbb{R}$ is some fixed parameter. Suppose ...
cluelessmathematician's user avatar
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Reduced $H_{\infty}$ problem for nD systems

Let $G(z)$ denote the (rational not necessarily square and unstable) transfer function of an nD system, where $z=(z_{2},...,z_{n})$, of a discrete spatial-temporal recurrence Givone-Roesser type ...
Yossi Peretz's user avatar
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Linear programming robustness to input perturbations

I'm running a linear program whose parametrization depends on the output of a neural network. I was wondering if there exist results on how robust linear programs are towards perturbations in their ...
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