Questions tagged [stability]

Stability theory, including global stability (in dynamical systems, where it can notably be used in combination with ds.dynamical-systems)

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Fujita decomposition versus Zariski decomposition

Fujita decomposition: Let $\frak \pi : X \to B$ be a fibration of a compact Kahler manifold $\frak X$ over a projective curve $\frak B$ then $\pi_*\left(K_{\frak X/B}\right)=A\oplus B$ where $A$ is ...
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Stochastic stability of "open" continuous-time stochastic systems: reference request

I'm looking for results on the stability of stochastic systems, e.g. SDEs, whose coefficients depend on a different process that is not necessarily stable. I'm calling those systems "open" here, but ...
S.Surace's user avatar
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Derived categories of singular varieties

Given my limited knowledge on derived categories, all the results on derived categories of complex of bounded sheaves are build upon smooth varieties, and people literally avoid singular case (as in ...
Li Yutong's user avatar
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Bounded input Bounded output stability for heat equation

This is a cross-post from Computational Science. I am interested in proving or obtaining a counterexample to the following conjecture. Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ be a bounded open domain. Let ...
fred's user avatar
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How to study the global stability for this 3D system?

I am studying a biological system (HIV) and arrived at this simplified dynamical system: \begin{align} x_1' &= a_1 + a_2x_2 - a_1x_2 - a_4x_1 - a_5\frac{1+a_6x_3}{1+a_7x_3}x_1\\ x_2' &= a_5\...
Paichu's user avatar
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Conditions for convergence to non-isolated fixed points

Consider a dynamical system of the form $$ \dot{x}=f(x), \quad x\in X, $$ and assume that the system possesses a set of non-isolated fixed points. Suppose moreover that there exists a Lyapunov $V(x)$ ...
Ludwig's user avatar
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When does the maximal root of this polynomial have unit magnitude? Prove an inverse linear relation between parameters

Examine the polynomial $$ x^{\tau+1}-x^{\tau}+\alpha=0\, $$ and denote by $\left|x_{\max}\left(\tau,\alpha\right)\right|$ as the maximal magnitude of a root of this equation. For $\tau>1$, I ...
Daniel Soudry's user avatar
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Lyapunov stability of linear system

Consider a linear ODE system $$\dot x_k=\sum_{j=1}^ma_{kj}(t)x_j,\qquad k=1,\ldots, m,\quad a_{kj}(t)\in C[0,\infty).\quad (1)$$ Proposition. Suppose that $$\sup_{t\ge 0}\Big\{\int_0^t\Big(a_{kk}(...
Clive's user avatar
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Maximizing the ratio of largest eigenvalues

Let $K$ be a real stable matrix; more specifically, $$ K=\left(\begin{array}{rrrrr} 0&1&0&\ldots&0\\ 0&0&1&\ldots&0\\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\...
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