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Questions tagged [stability]

Stability theory, including global stability (in dynamical systems, where it can notably be used in combination with ds.dynamical-systems)

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4 votes
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How many different states of Nash equilibrium?

So there is this quite well known Prisoner's dilemma where two parties can both defect and cooperate (and get points based on their decisions). In my presently used example I take it that cooperating ...
Pranasas's user avatar
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Stability analysis of ODE disturbed by a random variable [closed]

I have a question concerning the stability analysis for a kind of differential equation taking the form $$\dot x=Ax+Bw,$$ where $A\in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$, $B\in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$ ...
W. Nyway's user avatar
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dp-minimality and stability

What are some of the common popular stable theories that are known to be dp-minimal (or not dp-minimal)? Some dp-minimal examples I am aware of are strongly minimal theories, superstable theories of ...
Gabe Conant's user avatar
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Schur-Cohn Stability Test.

Where can I find a proof for the Schur-Cohn stability test?
Mohan's user avatar
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1 answer

In which way is this a linearization of the Gross-Pitaevskii-Equation?

In their paper [1] (full text at [2]) Bethuel et al on page 249 (bottom) linearize the moving frame Gross-Pitaevskii-Equation $0=-ic \partial_{x_1} \widetilde{v} - \Delta \widetilde{v} - \widetilde{v}...
mjb86's user avatar
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Compute roots of sum_i c_i/(a_i + b_i x)^p

How to compute the (real) roots of $$\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{c_i}{(a_i + b_i \cdot x)^p}$$ for given reals $a_i, b_i, c_i$, and positive integers $n, p$? The cases $p=1, ..., 5$ and $n=6, ..., 20$ would ...
Manu's user avatar
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well-posedness of the transport equation

I asked this question before on math exchange but did not have any luck with an answer. I would like to consider a simple example but get a thorough understanding of the theory behind it. I am ...
Kamil's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Higgs bundle and stable bundle

Let $(E,\phi)$ be a $G$-Higgs bundle $\phi\in H^{0}(X,ad(E)\otimes D)$ where $D$ is a divisor on X. I suppose that $(E,\phi)\in \mathcal{M}^{ani}$ the anisotropic locus. In particuler, this bundle ...
prochet's user avatar
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Nonlinear stability

What is the difference between linear stability and nonlinear stability of numerical schemes for the solution of time dependent PDEs?
mojtaba's user avatar
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1 answer

Direct sum of two stable bundles of same slope

How to prove that the direct sum of two stable vector bundles of the same slope over a smooth curve is a semistable bundle?
user20107's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

What's "bad" about unstable sheaves?

To construct a (coarse or fine) moduli space that is separated, one usually throw away some class of the object in question. For moduli of sheaves people talk about (semi-)stability. A coherent sheaf $...
temp's user avatar
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Moduli spaces of vector bundles and stability conditions

Let $C$ be an algebraic curve. One of the easiest examples of stabilty functions is $$Z:Coh(C)/ \{ 0 \} \rightarrow \overline{\mathbb{H}};\ \ \ \ Z(E):=-deg(E)+i\cdot rk(E).$$ This induces the ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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