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PageRank in directed graphs: equivalence of iterative and eigenvalue methods

Given a directed graph $ G $ with $ n $ nodes, we can represent this graph using an adjacency matrix $ A $. The stochastic matrix $ S $ can be derived from the adjacency matrix using the following ...
ABB's user avatar
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Change in two spectral deviations due to edge deletion in a signed graph

Prove (or disprove) the following. Let $\Sigma=(G,\sigma)$ be a given signed graph. If $\lambda_1\ge\lambda_2\ge\cdots\ge \lambda_n$ and $\mu_1\ge\mu_2\ge\cdots \ge \mu_n$ are the eigenvalues of the ...
shahulhameed's user avatar
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When do the nonzero eigenvalues of a directed graph Laplacian have the same absolute value?

Question: Let $G$ be a strongly connected directed graph on $n$ vertices with Laplacian $L(G)$. Then $L(G)$ has one zero eigenvalue $\lambda_1=0$ and $n-1$ nonzero eigenvalues $\lambda_2,\ldots,\...
Aditya Bandekar's user avatar
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Function of eigenvalues of Laplacian matrix

Let $G$ be a simple $n$-vertex graph and let $\mu_n\geq\mu_{n-1}\geq\dots\geq\mu_1$ be the eigenvalues of its Laplacian matrix, how can I find a function $$f(\mu_1,\mu_2,\dots\mu_n) \text{ such that } ...
David's user avatar
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A class of directed graph, when their minimal polynomial of the adjacency matrix matches the characteristic polynomial

We consider an unweighted directed simple graph, $G$, with a Hamiltonian cycle. Q. Assume that the adjacency matrix of $G$ is non-singular. Do the characteristic and minimal polynomials of the ...
ABB's user avatar
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Testing for equal characteristic polynomials using a single determinant calculation

Let $A_1,A_2$ be $n\times n$ symmetric matrices over $\{0,1\}$, and let $p_1, p_2$ be their respective characteristic polynomials over the rationals. If $p_1 \ne p_2$, then there is some positive ...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
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Given a low-rank symmetric positive semidefinite matrix and a basis of its nullspace, is there a fast way to get the nonzero eigenvalues?

I have a (possibly dense) $k\times k$ real matrix $L = AA^T + B^T B$, a type of combinatorial Laplacian (self-adjoint, symmetric, positive semidefinite) of rank $(k-n)$ and possibly repeated nonzero ...
BenJones's user avatar
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Controlling quantity related to Laplacian pseudo-inverse of Erdős–Rényi graph

Consider an $n$-node undirected graph $G = (V, E)$ equipped with weights $W$. Let $L$ be the weighted graph Laplacian matrix, i.e. $L_{ij} = -W_{(i,j)}$ for $(i,j)\in E$ and $L_{ii} = \sum_{j:(i,j)\in ...
yy98's user avatar
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Spectrum of the adjacency matrix of certain directed graphs

For an undirected graph $G$, its adjacency matrix $A_G$ is symmetric, and by the (consequence of) spectral theorem, each of its Jordan blocks has size $1$. This is not true for a general directed ...
F J's user avatar
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When is the sum of matrices (circulant + [super upper triangular]) not diagonalizable?

By the circulant matrix $C \in M_n(\mathbb{R})$, we mean that $$ C = \left[\begin{array}{c|c|c|c} e_n & e_1 & \cdots & e_{n-1} \end{array}\right] $$ where $e_1,\dots,e_n$ are the standard ...
ABB's user avatar
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Is the sum of the circulant matrix with a super upper triangular matrix diagonalizable?

By the circulant matrix $C$ in $M_n(\mathbb{R})$, we mean that $$C=[e_n|e_1|\cdots|e_{n-1}]$$ where $e_1,\cdots,e_n$ are the standard basis vectors in $\mathbb{R}^n$. It is well-known that $$C=\...
ABB's user avatar
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Directed graph whose adjacency matrix admits only 0 as eigenvalue

Let $G$ be a directed graph and let $P_i$ be its vertices. Let $A$ be the corresponding adjacency matrix of $G$, i.e. $a_{i,j}=1$ if and only if there is a directed edge from $P_i$ to $P_j$, ($a_{i,...
ABB's user avatar
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Non-diagonalizability of the adjacency matrix of a directed graph

Let $G$ be a directed graph with no multiple edges or loops and let $P_i$ be its vertices. Let $A$ be the corresponding adjacency matrix of $G$, i.e. $a_{i,j}=1$ if and only if there is a directed ...
ABB's user avatar
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On the absolute difference of the Laplacian eigenvalues of an unbalanced signed graph and its underlying graph

Let $\Sigma=(G,\sigma)$ be an unbalanced signed graph with the underlying connected graph $G=(V,E)$ and $\sigma:E\rightarrow \{-1,1\}$, the signing function. Let the Laplacian eigenvalues of $\Sigma$ ...
shahulhameed's user avatar
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Derivative of characteristic polynomial of a graph and derivative of characteristic polynomial of a vertex-deleted subgraph have a common root

Let $G$ be a simple graph and $G-i$ be one of its vertex-deleted subgraphs. Let $\phi(G,x)$ and $\phi(G-i,x)$ be the characteristic polynomials of $G$ and of $G-i$ respectively, with respect to their ...
baronbrixius's user avatar
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Spectral norm bound for lower triangular matrix

Let $A$ be a $0/1$ square matrix which can be permuted to a non singular or a singular lower triangular matrix. Determinant is either $0$ or $1$. Can we provide tighter upper bounds on its spectral ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Relationship between spectral gaps of adjacency and Laplacian matrices of graphs

Let $G$ be an undirected simple graph on $n$ vertices, with self-loops allowed, and with arbitrary positive edge weights $w_{u,v}$ (which is $0$ if there is no edge between $u$ and $v$). Let $A$ be ...
Vilas Winstein's user avatar
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Determinant of walk matrix for a skew-symmetric matrix of even order

Let $S=(s_{ij})$ be a skew-symmetric integral matrix of order $n$. We only consider the case that $n$ is even. Let $e$ be the all-one vector in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Define the walk matrix $$W(S)=[e,Se,\...
W. Wang's user avatar
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Strategies for bounding the spectral norm of a tensor?

Let $A$ be a symmetric $k$-tensor over a real or complex vector field $W$. We may define its spectral norm $|A|$ by $$|A| = \sup_{v\in W} \frac{|\langle A,x^{\otimes k}\rangle|}{|x|_2^k}.$$ (...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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What are the meaning of left singular vectors of an incident matrix?

Consider a graph G and its incident matrix $B\in R^{m\times n}$. We can compute the SVD of $B$ as $B=U^{\top}\Sigma V$. Note that the Laplacian matrix $L_G=B^{\top}B$, so the right singular vectors ...
Bigtoe21's user avatar
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Delocalization of eigenvectors of graph Laplacians

Let $(V,E)$ be an undirected, connected graph with $n$ nodes. The graph Laplacian is defined as $L = D - A$, where $D$ is the degree matrix and $A$ is the adjacency matrix. Let $0 = \lambda_1 < \...
Bravo's user avatar
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The rank of a Laplacian-type matrix

Suppose that $M$ is an integer, symmetric matrix of order $n>2$ with the positive integers $K_1,\dotsc,K_n$ on its main diagonal, and with all the off-diagonal elements equal to $0$ or $1$ so that ...
Seva's user avatar
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Finding zero-one vectors in the row space of a matrix

Suppose that $M$ is a square matrix with all elements on its main diagonal equal to $1$, and every row containing exactly two off-diagonal elements equal to $-1$; all other elements are equal to $0$. ...
Seva's user avatar
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Upper bound for smallest eigenvalue of infinite family of graphs

Let $\left\{G_{n}\right\}_{n=1}^{\infty}$ be a sequence of regular simple connected graphs with at least one edge such that $G_i$ is an induced sub-graph of $G_{i+1}$ and is not equal to $G_{i+1}$. ...
Yahav Boneh's user avatar
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Relation of row sums to largest eigenvalue

I know that the largest eigenvalue of a graph is bounded between the minimal and maximal row sum of the matrix. If I have a $0-1$ symetric matrix (an adjacency matrix) and I know $k$ of the rows have ...
Yahav Boneh's user avatar
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Orthogonality condition of symmetric matrix pencil

Let $P(\lambda)=\lambda M−L\in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ be a matrix pencil with symmetric nonsingular matrix $M$ and $L$ is a weighted Laplacian matrix of a connected graph. Clearly $(0,1_n)$ is an ...
Saheb's user avatar
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What happens to eigenvalues when edges are removed?

I am stuck at the following : Let $G$ be a graph and $A$ is its adjacency matrix. Let the eigenvalues of $A$ be $\lambda_1\le \lambda_2\leq \cdots \leq \lambda_n$. If we remove some edges from the ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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Question about eigenvalues of connectivity matrices for graphs [closed]

I'm a computer science student working on a research project that deals with computational study of atomic clusters. I'm using a graph based representation of the clusters using a binary connectivity ...
thedeathstar1997's user avatar
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Singular values and the chromatic number

What relation, if any, is there between the singular values of the adjacency matrix ( or possibly incidence matrix) of a simple graph and its chromatic number. Typically, do we have Hoffmann type, or ...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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Principal eigenvector of non-negative symmetric block matrix is approximated by a linear combination of the principal eigenvectors of the blocks

Let $ M \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n} = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ B^T & C \end{bmatrix} $ for some nonnegative $A \in \mathbb{R}^{k \times k}, B \in \mathbb{R}^{k \times n-k}, C \in \mathbb{R}^{n-...
Ross Griebenow's user avatar
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Local-Global Principle in Graph Spectrum

The question is a bit vague, but any ideas/directions will be appreciated. Let us fix an $n$-vertex $d$-regular graph $G=(V,E)$. As I understand it, the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix $A$ of $G$ ...
BharatRam's user avatar
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Lower bound on the eigenvalues of the Laplacian

I am looking for a graph for which $2 d_{i} < \mu_{i}$, for some index $i$, where $\mu_{1} \leq \mu_{2} \leq \dots\leq \mu_{n}$ are the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix $L(G)$ and $d_{1} \leq d_{...
B. Arsic's user avatar
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Spectrum of orthogonality graph (2)

The orthogonality graph, $\Omega(n)$, has vertex set the set of $\pm 1$ vectors of length $n$, with orthogonal vectors being adjacent. I am only interested when $4|n$, since otherwise $\Omega(n)$ is ...
Clive elphick's user avatar
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spectrum of orthogonality graphs

The orthogonality graph $\Omega(n)$ with $2^n$ vertices is the graph with vertex set $\{-1,+1\}^n$, with two vertices being adjacent if and only if they are orthogonal (as vectors in the standard ...
Clive elphick's user avatar
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Relation between nullity of components to its parent graph

Let $G$ be an undirected graph and the corresponding adjacency matrix be $A$. Let $v$ be a cut-vertex of $G$. Let $G_1, G_2,\dots, G_k$ are the connected components of the induced graph $G-v$ ( the ...
Ranveer Singh's user avatar
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algebraic connectivity of a tree

Suppose that $T$ is a tree with $n$ vertices and $L$ is the Laplacian matrix of $T$ and $0=\mu_1 \leq \mu_2 \leq \cdots \leq \mu_n$ are laplacian eigenvalues. I think the multiplicity of $\mu_2$ can ...
MH.Fakharan's user avatar
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An elementary inequality for graph Laplacians

Let $G$ be an arbitrary graph on $n$ vertices and $\mathcal L$ be its Laplacian. I need to show that \begin{equation}\tag{$*$} \langle \mathcal Lx,\mathcal L(|x|^{p-2}x)\rangle_{\mathbb R^n}\ge 0\...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar
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The spectrum of the discrete Laplacian

Consider a connected (we define connected components by defining the set of vertices where every vertex has one neighbour) sublattice $V$ of the square lattice $V \subset\mathbb{Z}^2.$ On this we ...
Dr. House's user avatar
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Difference between largest two eigenvalues of a graph Laplacian

The difference between the smallest eigenvalue and the next-smallest of a graph Laplacian (equivalently, the difference between the largest and next-largest of the random walk Markov chain on the ...
Ben Golub's user avatar
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Simple random walk on a discrete torus - the eigensystem, reference

My problem concerns finding a reference in which the formulae for the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors ($n$ linearly independent eigenvectors!) for the transition matrix of a simple ...
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Is $L'L_\text{in}+L_\text{in}'L$ positive semi-definite?

Assume that $A$ is the adjacency matrix of a strongly connected directed graph, that is, $A$ is non-negative and irreducible. Let $$L_\text{in}=D_\text{in}-A',\;L=D_\text{in}-A'+D_\text{out}-A$$ where ...
Jiaqi's user avatar
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Cospectral mate of rhombic dodecahedron

I am wondering if the following pair of cospectral graphs was previously known. The rhombic dodecahedron graph looks like this (graph6 string: 'M?????rrAiTOd_YO?'): As far as I know, it was previously ...
David Roberson's user avatar
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Intuition on Kronecker Product of a Transition Matrix

Let $T$ be a $N\times N$ transition matrix for a markov chain with $N$ states. Thus $T_{ij}$ is the probability of transition from state $i$ to state $j$ (and thus rows summing to one). Now consider ...
dineshdileep's user avatar
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Jordan blocks of directed graphs

Let $G$ be a (possibly weighted) directed graph with $n$ vertices and let $P$ be its transition matrix. That is, $P = D^{-1}A$ where $A$ is the graph's adjacency matrix and $D$ is a diagonal matrix ...
Daniel86's user avatar
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colored graph characteristic polynomial

This was asked previously on stackexchange and it was suggested to bring it here where more specialists could see it. Given the adjacency matrix $\mathbf{A}$ for a simple connected graph, the ...
JustThinking's user avatar
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Largest eigenvalue of signed graph

Let us consider a graph where edges can have weight 1 or -1, such a graph is called signed graph. In a signed graph, a cycle is called balanced cycle when product of weights on its edges is positive ...
Ranveer Singh's user avatar
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Minimum negative eigenvalue of zero-one matrices

The following question must have been answered decades ago. For $n$ fixed, what is the most negative eigenvalue among all trace zero zero-one matrices (that is, all entries are either zero or one, ...
David Handelman's user avatar
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Behaviour of eigenspaces of adjacency matrices after a single change to the graph

Say I know the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an adjacency matrix of an unweighted graph. Can I say anything about the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an adjacency matrix of a graph with one extra ...
user91322's user avatar
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Size of connected components of a graph via its spectrum

I know that we can determine the number of connected components of a graph from the eigenvalues of its Laplacian matrix. My question is: Is there a way to understand the size of each connected ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Spectral radius of a non-negative matrix after moving and replicating an element

Let $A$ be a non-negative square matrix and its spectral radius (i.e., it's largest eigenvalue) be $\rho(A)$. I need to do the following operation to $A$ and compare the resulting spectral radii. ...
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