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On the existence of Graph Monomorphism

A graph monomorphism is an injective graph homomorphism. Determining existence of Graph monomorphism between graph pairs is computationally hard. Assume we talk only about classes of undirected ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Graphs which are "distance-regular" with respect to a vertex (but not distance-regular)

A distance-regular graph (DRG) is, in essence, a graph $\Gamma$ of diameter $d$ for which there are integers $c_i, a_i, b_i, (0 \le i \le d)$ such that for all vertices $x$ of $\Gamma$ and for all ...
Ken W. Smith's user avatar
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Classes of graphs for which isospectrum implies isomorphism?

The spectrum of a graph is the (multi)set of eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix (or Laplacian, depending on what you're interested in). In general, two non-isomorphic graphs might have the same ...
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