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Bound on the magnitude of the entries of the Laplacian pseudo-inverse

Let $L$ be the laplacian matrix of a connected graph $G$ with real positive weights and $N$ vertices, or that can be assumed to have binary weights for simplicity.My goal is to bound $\Vert L^+\Vert_{\...
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Create a graph with a specified number of spanning trees

I read that one of the current challenging problems in mathematics is constructing a minimal graph with a specified number of spanning trees (say, $k$). However, is there a quick way to create some ...
IssamLaradji's user avatar
4 votes
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Divisibility Relation for Spanning Trees of a Graph

Let $A = \big[{1\ 1\atop 1\ 0}\big]$, and let $G_n$ be the graph whose adjacency matrix is $A^{\otimes n}$. Also let $\kappa(G)$ denote the number of spanning trees of $G$. From a significant amount ...
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