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How can we hang the weighted trees so that vertices nearer to root (based on distances, not hop count) lie in upper levels?

I have a set of edge weighted trees, each tree rooted at some vertex. Consider these trees are hung from the roots and vertices are arranged in some levels. I wish to design an algorithm (...
Hemraj Raikwar's user avatar
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Calculating Minimum Spanning Trees in Very Big Graphs

I need to determine Minimum Spanning Trees (MST) of very big complete graphs, whose edgeweights can be calculated from data that is associated with the vertices. In the planar euclidean case, for ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
  • 13.2k
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Counting spanning trees of a planar graph

I know through Kirchoff's Theorem, one can calculate the number of spanning trees via the determinant of a Laplacian. This has complexity $O(N^{2.373}$). I was wondering if anyone was aware of a ...
Zach Hunter's user avatar
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Spanning tree minimizing $F_T = \sum_{i = 1}^{|V| - 1|} (w(e_i) - P_T)^2$

Let $G = \langle V, E \rangle$ be an undirected, connected and weighted multigraph, with the weights given by a function $w: E \rightarrow N$. Consider any spanning tree $T$. Denote the edges of $T$ ...
J. Abraham's user avatar