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Hu-Gomory trees and Optimum Communication tree

It is known that that can be several trees in a graph that follow the conditions of "Cut-tree" (also called Hu-Gomory tree). For example (
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Is there a name for this variant of the MST and the TSP?

Suppose I am given a weighted graph $G$ that contains a "start vertex" $v_0$, and my goal is to construct a set of paths that all originate at $v_0$ and touch all of the vertices of $G$, with as ...
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Incremental minimum spanning tree

Given a connected graph $G=(V,E)$ with a weight function $w:E\to\mathbb{R}$ and a subset $E_0\subseteq E$ such that the subgraph $(V,E_0)$ is connected, I am looking for a sequence $E_0\subseteq E_1\...