Questions tagged [smoothing-theory]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Smoothing tame topological knots, from an analytic perspective

A tame topological knot (for the purpose of this question) is a topological embedding of $S^1 \times D^2$ into $\Bbb R^3$. Tame topological knots are known to be isotopic to smooth knots. This ...
Ryan Budney's user avatar
  • 43.1k
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smoothing a current

Let $M$ be a smooth oriented manifold of dimension $n$ and $T$ a current of dimension $k$ on $M$. Let $\phi:P\times M \to M$ be a proper smooth family of diffeomorphisms of $M$ (i.e. $P$ is a smooth ...
Joe Fu's user avatar
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2 votes
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Existence of smooth structures on topological $3$-manifolds with boundary

It is said in this thread Unique smooth structure on $3$-manifolds that every topological $3$-manifold admits a smooth structure. However it is not specified whether the manifolds are allowed to have ...
Dennis's user avatar
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