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Can nonflat deformations of singularities always produce Cohen-Macaulay rings?

To make the question in the title precise, let me phrase it like this. Consider a complete local ring $$ A := \mathbb{C}[[x_1, \dotsc, x_n]]/(f_1, \dotsc, f_m) $$ and, for definiteness, assume that $...
Lisa S.'s user avatar
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Definition of Q gorenstein variety

I have a question about the definition of Q-Gorenstein variety. I saw a definition of Q-Gorenstein variety:for a normal variety $X$, it's Q-Gorenstein if the canonical divisor is Q Cartier. I wonder ...
xin fu's user avatar
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Deformation to normal cone of the exception divisor of a log-resolution

I am reading the paper Iterated vanishing cycles, convolution, and a motivic analogue of a conjecture of Steenbrink due to G. Guibert, F. Loeser, and M. Merle. The main tool, like a lot of papers in ...
Alexey Do's user avatar
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