Questions tagged [simplicial-stuff]

For questions about simplicial sets, simplicial (co)algebras and simplicial objects in other categories; geometric realization, Dold-Kan correspondence, simplicial resolutions etc.

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23 votes
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Is this a model for $K$-theory of a triangulated category?

The recent question Complete the following sequence: point, triangle, octahedron, . . . in a dg-category reminded me of something I wanted to clarify long time ago; most likely this is now well known ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
19 votes
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Hodge star and harmonic simplicial differential forms

Is there a notion of harmonic forms and Hodge theory for Sullivan's piecewise smooth differential forms on a simplicial set? Let me recall some background. Hodge Theory on a Riemannian manifold A ...
Jeffrey Giansiracusa's user avatar
17 votes
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Kan's simplicial formula for the Whitehead product

In his article on Simplicial Homotopy Theory (Advances in Math., 6, (1971), 107 –209) Curtis quotes a formula (on page 197) for the Whitehead and Samelson products in a simplicial group $G$. The ...
Tim Porter's user avatar
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Is there an expository account of homology of simplicial sets that does not assume prior familiarity with any variant of homology?

There are numerous expositions of simplicial homology in the literature. Munkres in “Elements of Algebraic Topology” develops the homology theory of simplicial complexes. Hatcher in “Algebraic ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
15 votes
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Asymptotics for the number of triangulations of a manifold M

In Gromov's talk at the Clay Math Research from 23:23 to 25:55 Gromov says (slightly paraphrased) I want to emphasize a problem which comes from mathematical physics which is unsolved which is ...
13 votes
0 answers

Higher Algebra, Theorem and Remark

In his book Higher Algebra, Lurie introduces the notion of generalized $\infty$-operads ($\S$2.3.2). Roughly speaking, a generalized $\infty$-operad is a "family" of $\infty$-operads ...
Ken's user avatar
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Computations using "Stover's spectral sequence"

In this article from 1990, Stover describes a specral sequence which converges to the higher homotopy groups of the homotopy colimit of a diagram $\underline{X}$ of topological spaces. The second ...
Matt's user avatar
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12 votes
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Higher homotopical information in racks and quandles

A quandle is defined to be a set $Q$ with two binary operations $\star,\bar\star\colon\ Q\times Q\to Q$ for which the following axioms hold. Q1. a $\star$ a = a Q2. (a $\star$ b) $\bar\star$ b = (a $\...
Nicola Di Vittorio's user avatar
12 votes
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Are the Alexander-Whitney and Eilenberg-Zilber maps homotopy inverse in arbitrary abelian categories?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a monoidal abelian category. Let $A$ and $B$ be simplicial objects in $\mathcal{A}$, and let $N_\ast(-)$ denote the normalized chain complex functor. Let $$AW_{A,B}\colon N_\ast(...
Richard Hepworth's user avatar
12 votes
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$E_{\infty}$ $R$-algebras vs commutative DG $R$-algebras vs simplicial commutative $R$-algebras

I've been trying to understand better the relation between the basic blocks of derived algebraic geometry. More precisely, I'm trying to understand the relation between the DG approach, the spectral ...
user40276's user avatar
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Has this chain complex associated with a simplicial complex been studied before?

I have stumbled upon a construction that has probably been noticed before, and I wonder if anyone can point me to a reference. Suppose that $K$ is a simplicial complex. Let $P(K)$ be the free abelian ...
Tom Goodwillie's user avatar
12 votes
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What is the history of the notion of subdivision of categories?

A recent answer by Peter May prompts me to ask a question which I have been considering to ask for several months. (The reason why I have not asked it before is that it is not directly related to my ...
Jonathan Chiche's user avatar
10 votes
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A certain semi-simplicial space

I would like to understand whether the following construction has been studied. Let me model the pointed sphere as $S^n = I^n / \partial I^n$, and let $\Omega^n (-) := map((I^n, \partial I^n), (-, *))$...
Oscar Randal-Williams's user avatar
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Higher Adeles of a scheme and related topics

Let $X$ be a noetherian scheme. I will describe a construction of a simplicial ring which I think is called the Bellinson higher Adeles complex (or something similar). Consider the augmented ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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What suffices to check completeness in an n-fold Segal space?

Recall that a Segal space is a simplicial space $X : \Delta \to \mathrm{Spaces}$, $\bullet \mapsto X_\bullet$, which satisfies the Segal condition: For each $j$, the map $$ X_j \to \underbrace{...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
10 votes
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When does a sheaf of categories represent a homotopy sheaf?

Suppose that $F$ is a sheaf of categories (on a Grothendieck site or even a topological space). By this, I mean a sheaf in the naive 1-categorical sense, so it can equivalently be viewed as a category ...
David Carchedi's user avatar
10 votes
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Homotopy theory of suplattices

In Quillen's monograph Homotopical algebra where he introduced the notion of model category, he showed that if $C$ is a bicomplete category with enough regular-projectives in which either (*) every ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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9 votes
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Applications of the simplex $2$-category and its higher dimensional cousins

The simplex category $\Delta$ has a $2$-category refinement $\Delta_2$ given by the full sub-$2$-category of the $2$-category $\mathsf{Cat}$ spanned by the ordinal categories $𝟘$, $𝟙$, $𝟚:=𝟙\star𝟘...
Emily's user avatar
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Is the category of all topological spaces, including the bad ones, simplicially tensored and cotensored?

Let $\textbf{Top}$ be the category of all topological spaces, including the bad ones. We can make $\textbf{Top}$ into a simplicially enriched category as follows: Given topological spaces $X$ and $Y$,...
Zhen Lin's user avatar
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A kind of algebraic sphere?

Let $Sch$ be the 1-category of schemes. Is there a cosimplicial scheme $D^\bullet$ and a sequence of schemes $S_1, S_2, ...$ such that the geometric realization of the simplicial set $Hom_{Sch}(D^\...
kiran's user avatar
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9 votes
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About Kan-Thurston theorem

The Kan-Thurston theorem obsesses me recently, which is proved by Daniel Kan and William Thurston, Every connected space has the homology of a K(π,1), Topology Vol. 15. pp. 253–258, 1976. Later, there ...
Lao-tzu's user avatar
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Homotopy pullbacks of simplicial sets; Joyal vs Kan-Quillen model structures

I am interested in comparison of homotopy pullback squares in the category of simplicial sets with respect to Joyal' model structure and Quillen's one. Suppose we are given a (strict) pullback square ...
Jun Yoshida's user avatar
9 votes
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Is there a citeable source for generators and relations of simplicial sets?

Simplicial sets can be specified using generators and relations, in complete analogy with groups, rings, etc. More precisely, a system of generators of relations for a simplicial set consists of a ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
9 votes
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Are the unwound thin realization and fat realization homotopy equivalent?

This is a question about a theorem (proposition 2) in the article--On the homotopy type of classifying spaces Recall some definitions first: Given a category $\mathcal{C}$ internal in $\...
yisheng's user avatar
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Why should we regard $PL(M)$ as a simplicial group?

Let $M$ be a manifold. If $M$ is smooth, it is clear what $\text{Diff}(M)$ should be, namely it should be the set of diffeomorphisms of $M$ equipped with the topology in which a sequence of ...
Lisa's user avatar
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Tangent space, metrics etc. on simplicial sets

Is there a way to attach some sensible notion of tangent space to a simplicial set? If yes, is it possible to transfer typical local data from differential geometry such as metrics to this setting? ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Historical and terminological questions about Dan Kan's Ex functor and its relation to the classical case of simplicial complexes

Recall that we may define a functor $\xi:\Delta\to \operatorname{Poset}$ sending a simplex $[n]$ to the set of monotone injections $[k]\hookrightarrow [n]$ for $k\geq 0$ (effectively, $k\leq n$ as ...
8 votes
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Isbell duality for simplicial sets

$\newcommand{\IsbellSpec}{\mathsf{Spec}}\newcommand{\IsbellO}{\mathsf{O}}\newcommand{\Nat}{\mathrm{Nat}}$Isbell duality sets up an adjunction (see here for a short abstract summary) $$\mathsf{O}\dashv\...
Emily's user avatar
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(Homotopy) inverse limits of towers of spaces or simplicial sets - reference request

Suppose we have a tower of Kan fibrations between Kan complexes: $$ X_0 \xleftarrow{f_0} X_1 \xleftarrow{f_1} X_2 \xleftarrow{f_2} \dotsb $$ From this we get a commutative diagram of topological ...
Neil Strickland's user avatar
8 votes
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Nonabelian variants of the Breen-Deligne resolution

The Breen-Deligne resolution is an unusual functorial resolution of an abelian group A by finite direct sums of free abelian groups of the form $\Bbb Z[A^n] = Free_{Ab}(A^n)$. It makes several ...
Tyler Lawson's user avatar
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Dugger and Spivak's combinatorial proof of Joyal's isofibration theorem, a fortiori?

In what follows, let $E^n = \operatorname{cosk}_0(\Delta^n)$ Joyal's isofibration theorem says precisely An inner fibration $p:X\to Y$ of quasi-categories is a fibration for the Joyal model ...
Harry Gindi's user avatar
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Local formula for the signature of $4k$-manifold

In "The Euler characteristic is the unique locally determined homotopy invariant of finite complexes" on page 61 in the penultimate paragraph, Levitt mentions that if one restricts to compact PL $4k$-...
user101010's user avatar
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Grothendieck - A group as a sheaf over simplicial complexes

In this blog post, Terence Tao gives the following definition of a group. Definition. A group is (identifiable with) a (set-valued) sheaf on the category of simplicial complexes such that the ...
Exterior's user avatar
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Simplicial covering map

In Rezk's paper "A model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theory" numerous references to simplicial covering maps are made. It's first appearance being at the bottom of page 8. Unfortunately no ...
Justin Curry's user avatar
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Simplicial Representations of (Hyper)Graph Complexes

For graph complexes, which are families of graph [on a fixed number of vertices n] closed under the deletion of edges, there is a natural simplicial complex capturing that information. Specifically, ...
Gwyn Whieldon's user avatar
7 votes
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Can cyclic and simplicial objects be related in a similar way to how the species of linear orders is the derivative of the species of cyclic orders?

The derivative of a combinatorial species $S: core(FinSet) \to core(FinSet)$ is given by $S^\prime [N] = S[N\sqcup 1]$. Intuitively, an $S^\prime$-structure is built by introducing a "hole" ...
Mathemologist's user avatar
7 votes
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Stabilisation of crossed modules?

D. Conduché has introduced a notion of a stable crossed module ("Modules croisés généralisés de longueur 2", JPAA 34 (1984) pp155–178, doi:10.1016/0022-4049(84)90034-3, Def. 3.1). Is there a ...
Matthias Künzer's user avatar
7 votes
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2d TQFTs with values in simplicial sets and Reedy categories

Let $Cob$ be the category such that $Obj(Cob)$ is $\emptyset\sqcup\mathbb{N}$, with $n$ seen as the union of $(n+1)$ circles numbered from $0$ to $n$, morphisms are (homeomorphism classes of ...
Sergei Burkin's user avatar
7 votes
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Generalization of familiar theorem about singular homology to general model category

I have two questions, the first one is just wether the following statement is true or not? Is there a reference for this? The second question is maybe related, I don't know. But anyway, given $U:\...
Noel Lundström's user avatar
7 votes
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Which spaces are most naturally presented simplicially?

It's often a great technical convenience to know that you can "do homotopy theory" with simplicial sets. But if you really get down to it geometrically, it can be awkward. In general, if I have a CW ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Does geometric realization commute with passing to the compactly generated topology?

My question is in the title, but here is a more detailed formulation: Let Top be the category of all topological spaces and continuous maps, and let CGTop be the subcategory of compactly generated ...
Dan Ramras's user avatar
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Does the fat realization of simplicial spaces commute with finite limits up to homotopy?

I'm willing to work in the category of compactly generated Hausdorff spaces. The ordinary geometric realization of a simplicial space commutes with taking pullbacks and preserves the terminal object, ...
Simp's user avatar
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Homotopy pullback preserving functor

In the paper, the authors claim during the proof of Prop. 4.2 that a functor $F:A \to B$ which preserves fibrations and weak equivalences preserves homotopy ...
Edoardo Lanari's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a higher, "orientalish" version of geometric realisation?

Geometric realisation of simplicial sets can be roughly thought of like this: In some category $\mathcal{C}$, we choose an object for every abstract $n$-simplex. In topological spaces, we would ...
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
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Trying to understand straightening functor associated to a right fibration of simplicial sets

Let $p:X \to S$ be a right fibration of simplicial sets; one can roughly think of it as some sort of "functor" $S^{op} \to Set_\Delta$ (where $Set_\Delta$ denotes simplicial sets) sending $s \in S$ ...
ykm's user avatar
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Higher categories using just simplicial sets

Is there a definition of $(\infty, n)$-category using just simplicial sets? This is the case for $n \leq 2$. Is the forgetful functor from saturated $n$-trivial complicial sets to simplicial sets an ...
Daniel Bruegmann's user avatar
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Mapping space between $n$-groupoids is an $n$-groupoid

Consider two simplicial sets $K$ and $L$. Their mapping space (or mapping complex) is the internal hom of simplicial sets, i.e. $\underline{\mathrm{Hom}}(K,L)$, where $$ \underline{\mathrm{Hom}}(K,L)...
SetR's user avatar
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Higher Algebra, Section 2.2.2

I am reading Section 2.2.2 of Higher Algebra by Jacob Lurie. There are proofs which I cannot understand, so I need someone's help. First, I cannot understand the proof of Lemma 2.2.7. In the proof, ...
Yutaro Mikami's user avatar
6 votes
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Higher Algebra, Propositions and

I am reading the proof of Propositions of Higher Algebra by Jacob Lurie. There is a part that I don't understand, and I need someone's help. In the book, Lurie introduces the notion of ...
Ken's user avatar
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Functorial identification of the mapping spaces of the arrow category of an $\infty$-category

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a small $\infty$-category. Using the straightening-unstraightening construction, we can define a hom-functor of $\mathcal{C}$ as a functor $\mathcal{C}(-,-):\mathcal{C}^{\mathrm{...
Ken's user avatar
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